“The tree is more than first a seed, then a stem, then a living trunk, and then dead timber. The tree is a slow, enduring force straining to win the sky.” ― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry Tree love has always been a part of me. Wherever I go, I find myself…
While recycling is great in a lot of ways, the ultimate goal is to get people to prevent waste in the first place. MCKENZIE JONES The 5Rs: A Path to Sustainability The 5RCYCLE Foundation began with a simple observation by its founder, Dr. Smita Birkar: waste was not being segregated…
”One to change a few. A few to change many. Many to change the world. It all starts with one.” Every year, on December 5th, we celebrate World Soil Day to highlight the importance of healthy soil and sustainable soil management. Soil is more than just dirt beneath our feet—it’s…
“पवन गुरु पानी पिता माता धरत महत , दिवस राति दुइ दाई दाया खेलै सगल जगत”In this Shlok Guru Nānak reminds us of the trinity of our primary relationships of Father, Mother & “Guru” (our connection to the Divine). This trinity directly invokes three of the elements, or Tattvas, namely Air, Water &…
“If a healthy soil is full of death, it is also full of life: worms, fungi, microorganisms of all kinds … Given only the health of the soil, nothing that dies is dead for very long.” – Wendell Berry The benefits of composting are undeniable. This natural process improves soil…
Rethink before you buy Reuse before you throw Refuse what you don’t need Reduce what is of no use Recycle creatively Repurpose thoughtfully It fills me with immense joy and happiness to successfully complete yet another year and season of sustainable talks. Green Tatwa Talks has so far conducted…
Christmas, New year’s, Sankranti, Lohri, and a lot of festival time says it’s the gifts time. And when it’s a gift, there come packing, decoration, and ribbons. And these days online shopping helps us buy anything anywhere easily and also piles up on packing. Have you ever thought, when you…
PanchTatwa Girl, the girl passionate about Panchtatwas of life/ nature is here to help you lead Eco-friendly Life. I’m on a mission to raise awareness for eco-friendly living and conscious sustainable choices. This blog is my first step towards eco-consciousness where I share my views, thoughts, and perspective to help…
“The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.” – Robert Swan The fashion industry contributes approximately 2.1 billion tonnes of greenhouse gas emissions yearly, equivalent to 4% of all global emissions. The environmental impact of fast fashion comprises the depletion of non-renewable sources,…
“Land degradation, biodiversity loss, and climate change are three different faces of the same central challenge: the increasingly dangerous impact of our choices on the health of our natural environment.” says Sir Robert Watson, chairman of the (IPBES), in 2018 following the platform’s research on soil health. In the first place,…
To increase public participation to curb the use of single-use plastic (SUP), the Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) has launched a mobile application for the public, recently. After downloading the application ‘SUP-CPCB’, people may lodge a complaint against those using, selling, and manufacturing SUP. Now that’s interesting and a good initiative. Ministry of…
From food and clothing to FMCG goods, and consumer electronics to vehicles and property, purchasing some things sometimes is an inevitable part of our lives. Lately, the consumer is conscious and more sustainably aware, of what they are buying and bringing into their homes. Especially post-pandemic born of our destructive…
Just get a bag and drop a dream in it, and you’ll be surprised what happens. Charles Nelson Reilly We all know cloth bags come with a lot of advantages – (i) Cloth bags are biodegradable so they do not pollute the environment. (ii) Cloth bags are capable of…
Every day, we humans drape our bodies in fabric. It can be cotton, silk, or synthetic and a large variety is available in the market. But we have rather little thought to the contents of those materials. Not only this, we are not even aware of what happens to these…