World Nature Conservation Day 2020: Small steps we should follow to protect and conserve nature

On a large scale, a lot has been making rounds to help conserve and protect natural resources. As an individual, we also need to put in our efforts toward nature conservation. Every year, on 28 July, the world celebrates World Nature Conservation Day. This day aims at increasing awareness of the natural resources on Earth and working on its long-term protection. By ensuring a stable, healthy, productive conscious, and sustainable environment, we can look forward to the well-being of the present and future generations.

Nature conservation has gone up on the priority list globally for all the nations, due to problems like deforestation, colonization, pollution, lack of wildlife habitat, loss of forest cover, and an increase in illegal wildlife trade.  Our Earth does not have an unlimited amount of things we need like water, trees, soil, etc and World Nature Conservation Day is marked internationally to spread awareness about the best practices to protect the natural resources. We all must as responsible human beings and participate in protecting and following ways to conserve nature.

How one can live sustainably

For this reason, the Conservation of nature is very necessary. We are being warned even scientists have also warned us about the mass extinctions soon. Several documentaries floating on the internet, about nature also show that resources are being wasted. Due to global warming temperatures increasing day by day, storms and the sea level are also increasing, freshwater glaciers are melting, which threatens lives. We are connected with natural resources. The natural world is facing an increasing threat from unsustainable practices and the challenge is how to preserve and conserve nature to achieve sustainable development. 

Moreover, The prime resolution to overcome pure disasters, international warming, numerous illnesses, and more is to protect the pure sources by creating consciousness. We’re in the center of a pandemic, and preserving nature begins at residence. So take that first step and begin right from your own home. Create consciousness amongst relations, attempt and practice a sustainable way of life to defend and preserve pure sources.

As part of contributing towards protecting the environment and maintaining balance, with thisin mind, here are few things we can start practicing for sustainable life-
  • Avoid and discourage the wastage of food, water, and other essential items of regular use.
  • Reduce the use of electricity. Save energy by switch off lights, fans, and air conditioners when not in use. We can save energy as well as money too.
  • Avoid wasting water and close the tap properly after brushing or washing hands. Try and reduce the consumption of water.
  • Avoid excessive use of paper. Plant trees and make the planet green
  • Grow your own vegetables. You will be happy to have them chemical-free and organic too.
  • Avoid hoarding: Most of the time hoarding leads to wastage. What is required is we should buy need-based items be it food or any other thing. This will certainly reduce the wastage of resources.
  • Rainwater harvesting during the monsoon season.
  • Use rechargeable batteries, as dry cells/ batteries are not biodegradable and are dangerous for the environment.
  • Make people aware of the use of conservation of nature, environment, and energy.
  • Recycling: Try to buy reusable and biodegradable products as much as possible. Recycle everything if it is possible.

Methods to Conserve the Environment

Not to mention, It is not mandatory that only the government and big companies conserve the environment. Everyone can participate and conserve nature which is a beautiful gift to us. Several ways are there by which we can conserve the environment like:

“Environment isn’t asking us to conserve her for her but for our future generations”- Mohith Agadi

There are also three essential words about the conservation of the environment that is – reduce, recycle, and reuse.

To sum it up, Let us come together and make an effort to contribute to the local, national, or global levels to conserve nature. It will not only benefit our present generation but also future generations. We can make a difference by switching to some simple habits in your daily life. 

This post is part of my Earth series on Conscious living with sustainable practices. Let’s be conscious of our living and learn ways to conserve nature. Nurture The NatureDo check out my other posts on Sustainable Conscious living, a step towards a healthier planet. Which covers easy ways to save watersave energy, conservation at the home level, a little bit to heal our Mother Earth, and much more. This post is a part of Cause-a-Chatter by Blogchatter.–preserve-nature-this-world-conservation-day-e14d7mt

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18 Responses

  1. Hi Pragun, I totally agree with you on all steps you provided here. However, I am researching on saving rainwater and using it thereafter to water plants or wash clothes/utensils.

  2. Alpana Deo says:

    This post reminds me of my recent podcast interview with Amita Deshpande. It is the high time to take steps towards conserving nature.

    • Oh yes, your podcast episode with Amita Deshpande was really a great one, I also follow her work as it’s really inspiring. Conserving nature should be our priority from now on.

  3. This is a great post and you have shared really doable options that we all can follow in our day to day life. I feel if each one put even a small contribution from their side to save the environment that things can change a lot for future generation.

  4. All great ideas and we try to follow them as well. Tried composting last year but somehow were not very successful at that. But try to reduce waste as much as possible.

    • Thank you for appreciating the post-Sakshi. Glad you are trying to reduce the waste.
      Would like to know how composting was not successful, maybe we can find a solution.

  5. Very few actually thinks about conservation and I am glad to know that you care for nature conservation. Reading your post I felt that yes, there are people who still actually believe and preach about nature care

  6. Diya says:

    Well said!!! I am glad you metioned that World Nature Conservation Day Small steps follow to protect and conserve nature. This is so very nice information. Thanks for sharing

  7. Urvi Kunal Savla says:

    Its very important to conserve the environment. This post will help people to do so. Thanks a lot for this article👍

  8. These are some amazing points mentioned… Saving and conversing environment is much needed now a days. Loved reading the post… Beautifully penned

  9. Rupsbooklove says:

    Nature never listens to anyone and will show it’s effects in one or the other way. So, it is important to preserve it. The article really helps in doing so.

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