M for mother, do I say more. Did I not mention the main role which I play the day I become mother itself. Yes, that is of being a mother and that’s it. This one job, one role is a lifetime of work, it’s a 24*7*365 days work culture, with no leaves or part-time. We don’t even have a Work at home option as this role is everywhere. Motherhood is unique because being a mother encompasses so many roles. She is a counselor, cook, doctor, teacher, lawyer, maid, scientist, and comforter. Mothers are mentors, mediators, healers, nurtures. But before any of these roles, she is a MOTHER. Mother – Multitasker and a magic maker, she wears multiple hats under one umbrella of being a mother.
So in the journey of Mom’s be everything, let’s check out the roles WoW MoM’s play with the letter “M”
The Multitasker
“Once you become a mother, you no longer live your life for yourself, because once you become a mother everything changes. Schedules change. Relationships change. The things which were once important change. Life is changed, forever. I believe that life has been changed for good.”
Mother – Multitasker and a magic maker. She is playing multiple roles at one time. She is a cook/ entertainer/ rule enforcer/ life coach often all at one time. Moms are multitaskers because we have to be. As soon as we become moms, We learn how to feed the baby while cooking dinner because the children are hungry. It becomes easy to learn how to shower while simultaneously entertaining a toddler because even dry shampoo has its limits. We learn how to answer emails with one hand while serving breakfast with the other while simultaneously tracking down lost shoes because there is no other choice. I’m a mom and multitasking is my superpower.
It’s okay if you don’t feel like a superhero, Mumma, because you’re not. It’s perfectly fine to drop some balls. Don’t worry, It’s okay if you don’t feel like you were made for the extreme multitasking demanded of you because none of us were. We are only human and we can’t do it all. The science shows it—and it’s time for our policymakers to do something about it.
So just relax, sip your tea/ or coffee, read your favorite book, while watching kids play… oops, did I just again multitask?? So Mumma dear please know you are going your best. Some day you won’t feel like doing or maybe growing crazy, One day hopefully we’ll master single-tasking. But for now? Multitasking? We’re here for it.
Memory maker
Well, why I call out this role because I find moms being memory preservationists. Ya, the one who knows where is what kept. You cant find a pen drive.. well scan scan scan and yes mommy will tell you its the first drawer of the left-hand side of the study table. Wow-what a memory isn’t it?
Memory maker also takes me to my bay book, many of us have our baby books, so who made it? Moms aren’t it. I also happily had made a baby book for both of my boys. So she is a memory maker when she makes our baby books or scrapbooks and becomes a photo bookmaker.
Meal planner
Moms are planners and organizers for entire things surrounding her and how can meals be skipped from this list. When it comes to meals mothers go grocery shopping, vegetable picking, and then plans the week-long meal for the family. She is even the ingredient investigator, finding the ingredients which all family members would love. Mom ensures to pick paneer for kids and even bottle guard for seniors, she won’t forget to get potatoes so all will love it and even the ginger, garlic lemon as they are the best antioxidants. She is also a recipe reader or a traveling cookbook who knows all the recipes by heart.
This reminds me of my days when I had to refer to my cookbook/ diary to even check the amount of salt also to be added. With time now I understand what it means whenever mom used to say ‘as per choice’.
The magic maker
The magic mommy is Santa Claus, she is also the Tooth Fairy, and also the birthday wizard. she even is there to make beds or make your projects too.
We, as mothers, have the privilege of making their childhood magical. My children only get one childhood, and I want to help make it fun

Haven’t we saw moms as our inspiration. Agree sometimes they might fail too, but we always look forward to our moms who have inspired us through her actions and her lessons, she has taught us. When I look back at my childhood I realize My mother has provided a stable life for me even though she was never able to fully experience everything she could have. She never claimed to be a perfect one but yes I do am inspired by her. As my mom, she has guided me, advised me, explained to me, and even guarded me.
She leads by her example and also provides unconditional support and encouragement. How do you get a sense of confidence so that you can believe in yourself and excel? For me, it started at home. Remember when our moms had confidence in us when we first step out our first step, or we prepared for a school presentation or even fancy dress. There are numerous examples of how moms have built and braved us with confidence to sial the boat. My mom continued to cultivate and build my confidence as I grew into a teenager and beyond.
This is the letter “M” in the journey of motherhood where we explore Mom’s roles in their children’s lives. Mother – Multitasker and a magic maker, Mentor, and a memory maker. You name it we have it. Mom’s are everything for her kids, and she plays so many roles which she is herself not aware of in this journey of motherhood. Do read my earlier letters to enjoy the AtoZ of motherhood roles. This post is written as a part of the A2Z challenge, organized by Blogchatter. You will surely love to know how Mom is our life coach and lifeguard whom we can rely on forever.
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