There’s an old saying that one man’s junk is another man’s treasure; and when it comes to repurposing waste it couldn’t be any closer to the truth. Finding new uses for old items can save you a significant amount of money and armed with a little thought and creativity, creates a unique flow of inspiration in any space. So today lets find out ways to Reuse Recyle Repurpose to give new meaning to our old items.
Our favourite R’s of reuse reduce repurpose are the best way to give new purpose to any old item. While we know the meaning of Reuse, and recycle. Repurposing is essentially a form of recycling. It may take the form of hobby crafting or be employed as a materials cost reduction strategy by a large manufacturer. Mainly Instead of throwing an item away, an individual or business finds a new use for it. Repurpose means to give a new purpose or use. We all have stuff that no longer serves any purpose around the house, but we still have trouble getting rid of it.
Reuse Recyle Repurpose!!
I lately read a line that says – UPCYCLING BEGINS AT HOME. Reuse Recycle Repurpose!!
And when I began reading more about it I came to know about repurposed art studios. This platform aims to educate and inspire people of all age groups) to make upcycling a part of your life. It’s easy. Just give it a thought.
In this episode of Green Talks, we have Manjulika Pramod from Repurposed Art studios. Manjulika believes in upcycling, Her studio is a stop shop for eco-conscious repurposing, with a great line that says – trash to treasure, sustainable art, upcycled artifacts, eco-friendly gifts, and reusable crafts.
Manjulika is a travel blogger and now has started her repurposed studio too. She has so far traveled to 31 countries and 22 states of India has been blogging for 12 years and has worked with over 100 brands. You can read her travel posts on her blog – pen down-Art, travel, and culture thought. She has written for many well-known magazines and journals like – air Asia inflight magazine, suburb magazine, Sakal newspaper, HuffPost, rail Bandhu, tripoto, thrillophia, and many more to her list. She says that The blogger in me is an artist, short-story writer, big-time foodie, and a compulsive traveler.
Repurposed Art Studio – Reuse Recyle Repurpose
Now coming to her eco-friendly side, This engineer, author, travel blogger, and hobby artist. aims to spread the love for art, inspire people to create artistic stuff, learn new art forms, repurpose trash and appreciate different forms of art. At ‘Repurposed Art Studio’. Repurposed art studio Upcycles – it even inspires and guides you for better waste management in your house.
When we speak of the repurposed art studios, One wonderful line I loved on your studio site is Every trash can is an opportunity. – Trash to Treasure.
Repurposing household items into different items is a way to not only upcycle the old item but also acquire a new item that did not cost you any money to purchase.
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More on Green talks-
In the light of, eco-friendly talks do listen to other episodes and bring that one change in your life towards a greener tomorrow.
Episode 1 – Eco-travel
Ep 3 – Know Your plastic
Episode 4 – Rainwater harvesting and manure water
Ep 7 – Importance of disposable plates
Along with Eco-friendly talks, I even like to share Positive stories of people bringing a beautiful change to this world. Do read these stories here.
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