When you express the feelings
with a feel…
When you share the feelings
with the calm…
When feelings matter
so deep within…
When the unsaid is said
with so much ease…
When the heart opens up
in a few intimate words…
It feels like I should just
keep listening to you forever…
It feels as if the song
should just keep playing…
I feel there should be,
no distance in between…
It’s heard directly
all in my ears…
It feels as if it’s said,
directly from your mouth…
Wish I can hear this out
When our eyes will meet…
I know
when I will look into your eyes…
There will not be
any need for words…
There will not be
a need to hear or say…
There will be
just silence of vastness…
There be a depth of infinity…
There will be just the presence…
The air that will hold us for the universe…

To read more of my poems click here
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