Every drop counts

Water oh Water!

We need to preserve you, my dear…

Look that water flowing from the RO pipe,


I can clean and wash my porch with it too.


I just washed veggies can I reuse it too,

Yes yes!

It’s good for plants and gardens too.


Boiled the pasta and rice for dinner,

No worry

The water is good for soil so just pour.


It’s raining so heavily today,

Go fetch the bucket

Just line up the tubs and drums too

Use it in a washing machine or even car wash, hey you!


You know what?

I practiced few things…

Oh lovely, so tell it to all other beings…

I reduced showers,

Oh, you did a great job.

I even repaired the leaks,

Oh, you need a pat on the back.

I water plants only in the morning

Good, they don’t need it in noon nap or dinner walk

I remember to turn off the flowing tap

Good that you don’t let it flow freely…

Coz you still don’t feel needy


Every drop oh, every drop

Preserve it like a pearl in the ocean vast

A small step A small effort

Can give water for years

Its the lifeline

Its the main resource

Let’s save it

So we don’t remorse.




Read my first post of the 2020 Alexa season We will hold it together in this poetic series.


At the same time, “I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa”

However, these are my random musing, my poetry love under the flowing Water category. In addition, to read more of my poems click here.

Try and live in harmony with nature for a better and healthier tomorrow.

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27 Responses

  1. Arti says:

    My daughter is working on the same theme these days, lovely poem

  2. A beautiful poem with powerful message. I am actually glad that the younger generation in my house is all very concerned about it. My nephew and son both under age of 8 make there best to save water.

  3. That’s a lovely way of putting forward the importance of saving water.
    You have gone through all the points very well and i liked the way you’ve brought in a note of appreciation after each point.

  4. Jayanthi says:

    Lovely poem to save water…we also do a lot of things to save water and save Mother Earth!

  5. You captured the urgency and necessity of saving water so well in this poem. Kudos! I hope people listen to you.

  6. A very important and practical theme. It is essential for all of us to start preserve water for our future generations. The small steps which you are taking will take us a long way… We should also start actively teaching our kids about the importance and urgency of saving water and how we can start doing that from our homes…

  7. A very telling poem on saving water and how important it is for us to do so. We need water for everything in life. It is what nurtures life on earth. Woe betide the day we run out of water in this planet!

  8. This is really worth reading. It’s very important to save water for upcoming generations.

  9. Akanksha Singh says:

    Such a strong message in a subtle way.. much needed and everyone has to practice

  10. Priya Iyer says:

    Lovely lovely poem. So relevant in today’s times.

  11. Ishieta says:

    well expressed. an important message and one that everyone needs to be aware of and act on!

  12. Nobody else could have put across the essence of water through such lucid poetry, Pragun.

  13. That is such a thought provoking poetry. If we dont make every drop count, we would definitely be in a situation that can be disasterous. I am glad to see you create an awareness about it.

  14. Lia Cooper says:

    Loved reading your poem. Thank you for selecting such an important subject. It pains me to see that so many people don’t realize how important it is to save water.

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