Here comes April and so comes along AToZ challenge. Well, all those who read, write and share are well aware of what is AtoZ 2021, but even if you are not aware, just don’t worry. Just go through this post and you will get to know what is AtoZ.
April Activities has a lot on the list, Exams get over and a new session begins, A2Z challenge keeps we bloggers occupied, New-season and fresh climate, Spring brings the new beginnings and new awakenings.
What is AtoZ/ A2Z
AtoZ as the name says is a series beginning from A to Z. It’s an international blogging challenge that helps and promotes writers, bloggers, and readers to write and read every day. With A to Z letters at our disposal we just have to pick what we want to write from the letter of the day. If you are following a theme say food one just has to associate the daily post with the same heading and topic. For example, April 1 will be for the letter “A” so if it’s the food I can write on avocado or even apple. If I choose environment as my theme it can be “C” for clouds and “D” for desert. So these are just examples you have to choose what you want to write daily just that the letter of the day has to be followed. It helps to write daily except Sundays. Yes, Sundays are a breather for us, and this way whole of April we get 26 letters to write with a break every week.
Okay for beginners let me tell you AtoZ 2021 is hosted by AtoZchallenge and Blogchatter too. Blogchatter runs lots of similar campaigns all year round and I am so happy to be part of this team as Blogchatter only kept me motivated and helped me read and write more. Register yourself accordingly on either Blogchatter or AtoZchallenege. You can post your A2Z series posts in both campaigns. This way you will get a good exposure on both sides. Just don’t forget to attach the badges for both campaigns.

My journey with the AtoZ
I participated first-time in 2018, the AtoZ challenge when my blog was just 8 months old. It was not a very successful trial but I decided to not give up and go with the flow. I just posted randomly taking the theme of nature and Panch-Tatwas as is my blog inspired from them too. I was hesitant in going for an eBook or even an interview later but all went well, met so many wonderful bloggers, learned a lot, and guess what I am back in 2021 with three consecutive years to my list.
So are you ready this April for AtoZ 2021 to write daily and read too? I have been writing for AToZ for the last 4 years and you can see my theme post, reflections post, and other info here-
Here’s how I chose the theme for April 2020
Collection of AtoZ posts of 2020
Read about my theme for 2019
2019 AtoZ 2019 reflections of the challenge
AtoZ of tackling tiffins – the complete collection
Check this on Amazon for eBooks too.
Here’s how I chose My 2018 theme AtoZ of panchtatwa’s of nature
Just click here to read all posts of 2018
Check out my interview after my first A to Z and ebook.

Why should you participate
If you are keen on writing daily and reading too then this is the place to be. AtoZ gives you a great platform where so many varied posts come daily which are churned out of creative brains weaving stories and posts and articles from some awesome writers and bloggers. So just join it and experience it for yourself.
My pointers
Just keep your theme and posts roughly planned.
Take out time to read some awesome write-ups on a daily basis.
Enjoy a month full of writing, reading, and sharing.
It’s all about experiencing the joy of reading and writing.
You can meet some awesome writers/ bloggers in this journey with whom you connect like never before. In last few years I was lucky enough to know some like minded and creative souls in this blogosphere whom I connect deeply and appreciate there writings a lot.
So are you ready to read, write and share this April? Just register yourself with blogchatter and you are ready to sail on the month-long travel with words, thoughts, ideas, and lots of stories too.
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