To begin with, thank-you so much to the atoz challenge organizers. I had participated with atozchallenge as well as blogchatter too. I also Congratulate myself on another successful completion and survivor of 26 A-to-Z Challenge blog posts.

Year 2019 marks my second time with A to Z challenge. This challenge is about posting daily for each 26 alphabets A to Z in the month of April. This year, I was confused on many
I was afraid that how will I manage to post so many healthy and fun tiffin ideas but then the mother’s instincts helped me sail the boat and I survived the month-long
It was a great journey in AtoZ April 2019 and I am happy to have survived it successfully. Read some very beautiful and nice blogs, made lots of like-minded friends on
I read so many wonderful atoz bloggers this year and some made there mark for there beautiful and structured writings. I connected to many stories whom kept me glued to my PC to get more info on them and excitement to know the more of it.

I proudly share my survivor badge as this helps me stay motivated to write regularly.
I admit i wanted to post daily tiffin pictures but somehow was unable to do do, thats my negative pointer for this month, will try and be more organized in future.
I once again congratulate atozchallenge for celebrating there 10th anniversary and would additionally love to answer all the 10 questions
- What did you love about the challenge this year?
- So many lovely bloggers to read .
- What would you change about it?
- Will try to be more organised and prepared.
- What was the best moment for you during this year’s challenge?
- Lots of lovely comments who loved my tiffin ideas.
- What is the best comment your blog got during the challenge, and who left the comment? Well this was commentful month for me and I thank you all and everyone for making me sail through the month. I cant decide one or two so thnaking all the comments and tried to fetch the real movers who kept me motivated in april2019
- Wow! Beetroot idlis look amazing! I’m surely going to try, Your food posts are bringing out the real foodie in me. By-Aditi
- Parathas are love! I prepare Aloo, Paneer, Methi, Gobhi Parathas. Good job in explaining the recipe! By Sanjota
- A Post: Wow love the theme and equally interesting recipe, it is going to very useful for the mommies. by Vartika
- That’s a great theme you have chosen for AtoZ, Pragun! Many moms would thank you for this. I will be referring to your posts all the year round. By-Anshu
- What a wonderful idea/theme to post tiffin recipes from different alphabets. Really liked it, all the more being a food blogger myself. By-Samira
- Today’s menu is good. For all foodies will be happy eating masala poorie and multgrain laddoo. By Abhijit
- Gajar ka halwa, garlic bread and gulabjamun!!! I always get cravings after reading your posts. By Vidhya
- The C Tiffin has a lot of interesting options. I would love to have a piece or 2 of the cutlets, they look yum. by Shilpa
- Its a great theme you have picked up for a month long challenge. I loved the pictures of the eclairs. And am rushing to look at the previous posts. By-Anupriya
- A really good option for a tiffin. This is actually a very good series. Looking forward to the rest. By Roshan radhakrishnan
- Nice tiffin break ho gaya in between the A2Z Challenge By Suhasni
- I see some really interesting, nutritious and easy tiffin ideas. I am sure to pack one of these for my little one next week. Thanks for sharing. By Shubra
- Yummy… The dishes you are choosing are so appealing fr kids and elders alike. By – Ujjwal
- Wow a lettuce paratha is such an innovative idea for children’s food! By – Noor
- Your recipes make my mouth water and you come up with such inviting images. By Sitharaam
- Ohh I wish i was still in school so that I could have taken these wonderful things in my lunchbox. By Manas
- Am sure many moms are thanking u for these wonderful tiffin ideas. Great listing u have there. Today the S tiffin were all my favourites. 10 out of 10 Pragun – By Harjeet
- Thepla is my favorite in today’s list. But your posts are really drool worthy. Amazing recipes and gorgeous pictures By – Sonia
- The Paneer wrap looks so colourful and inviting. By Kalpana
- Super impressed that you got so many foods from one of the impossible alphabets, X! Wow! By Mayuri
- Your blog is so colourful. and I am going to try zucchini bread. I do prepare zunka and love it. As the CHALLENGE COMES TO AN END , I Will miss your delicious tiffin food. Congratulations on completing the Challenge. By Kalpana
- Really liked the masala puri recipe . By Amrita
- I am sorry if i missed some, but really thankful to all of you for loving my tiffin series 2019
- Will you do the challenge again?
- Yes will surely do, I’m already thinking on those lines.
- Was it well organized and were the hosts helpful? (Did you fill out the after survey?)
- Yes it was, but missed the excel sheet uploading this year.
- How did you and your blog grow, change, or improve as a result of this challenge? Did you find new blogs out there to enjoy?
- Firstly I am self hosted now and I feel great about it. Have leaned a lot from co-bloggers which surely is and will improve me in future too.
- Were you on the Master List? (If you did the challenge last year, was it better this time without the daily lists?)
- Yes I was. I did miss the daily lists but then its okay I don’t resist change and i regularly commented on daily blog post of atoz.
- Any suggestions for our future?
- Keep growing we are with you.
- Any notes to the co-host team? A word of thanks to Jeremy for all his hard work on the graphics?
- Thank you team AtoZ.
All in all,
I received 1000 visits and received 653 comments – average 20 a day. Which I completely love on my first self hosted site.
For all my tiffin ideas click here
For coming home to nature with natural tatwas click here
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