Reflections of My AtoZ 2019

To begin with, thank-you so much to the atoz challenge organizers. I had participated with atozchallenge as well as blogchatter too. I also Congratulate myself on another successful completion and survivor of 26 A-to-Z Challenge blog posts.

#AtoZChallenge 2019 Tenth Anniversary Reflections badge

Year 2019 marks my second time with A to Z challenge. This challenge is about posting daily for each 26 alphabets A to Z in the month of April. This year, I was confused on many themes from travel to food, parenting to stories and lot more, but then decided to wear the mommy hat and help tackle the tiffin tantrums and provide AtoZ of tiffin/ lunchbox ideas.

I was afraid that how will I manage to post so many healthy and fun tiffin ideas but then the mother’s instincts helped me sail the boat and I survived the month-long challenge that too with kids exams in the beginning and later one local club even organizing kept me on toes literally. But with so many co-bloggers around I was motivated all through the month.

It was a great journey in AtoZ April 2019 and I am happy to have survived it successfully. Read some very beautiful and nice blogs, made lots of like-minded friends on blogosphere and learned a lot from each blog post. Happy blogging and happy snacking, feel free to pick the choice of your tiffin from my Fire tatwa cafe.

I read so many wonderful atoz bloggers this year and some made there mark for there beautiful and structured writings. I connected to many stories whom kept me glued to my PC to get more info on them and excitement to know the more of it.

Survivor badge

I proudly share my survivor badge as this helps me stay motivated to write regularly.

I admit i wanted to post daily tiffin pictures but somehow was unable to do do, thats my negative pointer for this month, will try and be more organized in future.

I once again congratulate atozchallenge for celebrating there 10th anniversary and would additionally love to answer all the 10 questions

  1. What did you love about the challenge this year?
    • So many lovely bloggers to read .
  2. What would you change about it?
    • Will try to be more organised and prepared.
  3. What was the best moment for you during this year’s challenge?
    • Lots of lovely comments who loved my tiffin ideas.
  4. What is the best comment your blog got during the challenge, and who left the comment? Well this was commentful month for me and I thank you all and everyone for making me sail through the month. I cant decide one or two so thnaking all the comments and tried to fetch the real movers who kept me motivated in april2019
    • Wow! Beetroot idlis look amazing! I’m surely going to try, Your food posts are bringing out the real foodie in me. By-Aditi
    • Parathas are love! I prepare Aloo, Paneer, Methi, Gobhi Parathas. Good job in explaining the recipe! By Sanjota
    • A Post: Wow love the theme and equally interesting recipe, it is going to very useful for the mommies. by Vartika
    • That’s a great theme you have chosen for AtoZ, Pragun! Many moms would thank you for this. I will be referring to your posts all the year round. By-Anshu
    • What a wonderful idea/theme to post tiffin recipes from different alphabets. Really liked it, all the more being a food blogger myself. By-Samira
    • Today’s menu is good. For all foodies will be happy eating masala poorie and multgrain laddoo. By Abhijit
    • Gajar ka halwa, garlic bread and gulabjamun!!! I always get cravings after reading your posts. By Vidhya
    • The C Tiffin has a lot of interesting options. I would love to have a piece or 2 of the cutlets, they look yum. by Shilpa
    • Its a great theme you have picked up for a month long challenge. I loved the pictures of the eclairs. And am rushing to look at the previous posts. By-Anupriya
    • A really good option for a tiffin. This is actually a very good series. Looking forward to the rest. By Roshan radhakrishnan
    • Nice tiffin break ho gaya in between the A2Z Challenge By Suhasni
    • I see some really interesting, nutritious and easy tiffin ideas. I am sure to pack one of these for my little one next week. Thanks for sharing. By Shubra
    • Yummy… The dishes you are choosing are so appealing fr kids and elders alike. By – Ujjwal
    • Wow a lettuce paratha is such an innovative idea for children’s food! By – Noor
    • Your recipes make my mouth water and you come up with such inviting images. By Sitharaam
    • Ohh I wish i was still in school so that I could have taken these wonderful things in my lunchbox. By Manas
    • Am sure many moms are thanking u for these wonderful tiffin ideas. Great listing u have there. Today the S tiffin were all my favourites. 10 out of 10 Pragun – By Harjeet
    • Thepla is my favorite in today’s list. But your posts are really drool worthy. Amazing recipes and gorgeous pictures By – Sonia
    • The Paneer wrap looks so colourful and inviting. By Kalpana
    • Super impressed that you got so many foods from one of the impossible alphabets, X! Wow! By Mayuri
    • Your blog is so colourful. and I am going to try zucchini bread. I do prepare zunka and love it. As the CHALLENGE COMES TO AN END , I Will miss your delicious tiffin food. Congratulations on completing the Challenge. By Kalpana
    • Really liked the masala puri recipe . By Amrita
    • I am sorry if i missed some, but really thankful to all of you for loving my tiffin series 2019
  5. Will you do the challenge again?
    • Yes will surely do, I’m already thinking on those lines.
  6. Was it well organized and were the hosts helpful? (Did you fill out the after survey?)
    • Yes it was, but missed the excel sheet uploading this year.
  7. How did you and your blog grow, change, or improve as a result of this challenge? Did you find new blogs out there to enjoy?
    • Firstly I am self hosted now and I feel great about it. Have leaned a lot from co-bloggers which surely is and will improve me in future too.
  8. Were you on the Master List? (If you did the challenge last year, was it better this time without the daily lists?)
    • Yes I was. I did miss the daily lists but then its okay I don’t resist change and i regularly commented on daily blog post of atoz.
  9. Any suggestions for our future?
    • Keep growing we are with you.
  10. Any notes to the co-host team? A word of thanks to Jeremy for all his hard work on the graphics?
    • Thank you team AtoZ.

All in all,

I received 1000 visits and received 653 comments – average 20 a day. Which I completely love on my first self hosted site.

For all my tiffin ideas click here

For coming home to nature with natural tatwas click here

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