Category: Review – My view


Book Review – Mental Health

What’s in the book? A short manual aiming at de-stigmatising Mental Health and offering some directions and insights, it includes theories and science behind mental health issues and offers practical tips on medications, therapies and coping...


Book Review – Desert Plant

What’s in the Book? Abhijit has described the title very well, Desert Plant is an extremely sturdy plant, which stays green even by staying in the scant environment, and the negative part is anyone trying to...


Why MilesWeb is best for bloggers?

I am looking to self-host my blog for so long now. From hobby mode, I now plan to be more serious about this. But I was clueless about what? how? why? when? where? and then a...

Book Review – The Seed 0

Book Review – The Seed

May 2018 was a great month for 57 authors on Blog chatter, it helped us launch our E-books via Ebook carnival on their prestigious platform. Blog chatter gave this wonderful platform for especially amateur bloggers/ authors...

Breathe 7


A must watch, a should watch, Do watch. “Breathe” is a very touching story which you live in each series. pic courtesy – amazon I am touched by the plot, and the general trivia was and...