Nidhi garg’s wheels of time with twelve tales of life is a touching book.
I Loved the book cover, which is simple and thoughtful.

I travelled all months with beautiful people all around in the book with so many emotions, feelings all bundled in one.
I met Namitha in story “Zest of Life”, and kalindi’s meeting with her inner soul are great in “Blind girl”
Reya the scientist finding love of life in Joshua in “Solving life’s puzzle”
Finding serenity and happiness in every moment of life in story “Be so Happy”
Jason making u meet the guardian soul in story “Insane Angel”
Romit’s promise to his son in story “A Promise”
Violin love which was heard from the heart by Tarang “Listen from the heart”
I met a live Santa in x’mas cafe in story “August Christmas”
Met Agapeo, Anatolio & kaya with friendship knowledge and lot of mixed feelings. “ Innocent Dream”
Met a strong mom in “Homecoming October”
I learned to enjoy every moment of life “Living bit full of life”
Heard the inner voice of abir and mine too “Trail of nightlamps”
It’s simple english, friendly characters.
All in all I loved meeting all the charachers and stories a lot.
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