That fatherly face
There is joy in giving, it gives satisfaction, it gives immense pleasure.
My experience with this positive attitude is enormous and has experienced it many times.
One such incidence dates back many years back.
We had to travel to Andaman & Nicobar island, and this I’m talking about 30 years back when it was a remote island with tribal.
People rarely went there, not like today when people travel for fun and leisure.
My dad had a spinal cord injury and for the treatment, he had shifted to Port Blair, Andaman & Nicobar Islands. We had to look for a place to live as the treatment required prolonged stay near sand…( it was sand treatment).
He randomly searched a house near the treatment center as till that time my mom and I had not joined him due to financial pressure on my mom. So how to get there, Well search began, there was no google that time, not mobiles. So all search was manual and people specific. We met nice people on this journey who helped us in numerous ways.
But this gentleman has a special reference as in spite of being 80 years old he was very very active, helpful and such a fatherly figure I still can see his face smiling like that day.
I don’t have his picture but his face is still fresh in my photo memory.
We landed Chennai via train and were given a room in a small Dharamshala sort of a place near the railway station, as those days hotels were not much-hyped types.
And we were given a small packet which we had to deliver to this gentleman who will be guiding us on do’s and don’ts in Andaman as he had been there twice. So we called him up form an STD booth and our meet was scheduled that very day evening at 4 pm.
Our ship to Andaman was the next day and we had to meet today only.
In a new land, language issue, no accessibility, we somehow landed at his place by paying 100+ by auto, that time 100 also was a lot of money.
Here began the interaction of gem soul with us.
He came out of his building and received us.
Greeted with tea, biscuits, warm hosting.
He actually briefed us on Andaman, places to stay at reasonable prices, all the available contacts he had who can help us, he made a proper project kind of sheet for us.
Who were we “no one”
Just some stranger mother and daughter duo, but his interaction was far more than that. He made us feel like a family member. I can see a fatherly figure in him. After a meeting of say 2 plus hours, it was time to say goodbye.
We promised to meet him again, but alas I regret I never got a chance to meet him again.
His role didn’t get over just by saying bye…
He called us an auto-rickshaw to return to our place of stay.
The auto came and just like a caring father he noted down the auto-rickshaw number and enquired auto wallahs name. He instructed him in Tamil about taking care of us. Not only this he even asked him to help us go to the shipping yard tomorrow and what a surprise he paid in advance.
My mom requested him not to do so as it will be an obligation, but he said my daughter is traveling to a new remote place how can I not take care of her. His magic words touched us, and actually bought tears to my mom’s eyes.
Can such people really exist, who helps for nothing in return?
Who helped just out of humanity…
Those who don’t help to show off…
They just try and make us comfortable.
God is watching us, if we give and share to others he/ she will know it and they will give us more to share more, to spread more, to give more. So share more to get fillings more, to get more, to share more. So if we are able to invest and save a bit in our life, Do invest a part of it in those smiles which you can see in the joy of giving.
Share the happiness, share the joy, share the love. Sharing is caring! Feel the joy
This is part of my Positive Humans series I have been writing on people who are an inspiration, motivation with their attitude of gratitude and ever helping nature. There are many unsung real-life champions who have helped or contributed towards the betterment of our society. Let’s learn from them and be a helping hand to others. Meet more motivational humans here.
The last Friday of the month and I’m on We are the blog fest. Here’s how #WATWB works: On the last Friday of each month a number of bloggers participate in a blog hop. In which each blogger highlights a story that spreads good news, happiness, and hope.
“We Are the World Blogfest” seeks to promote positive news. “We are the World Blogfest.” WATWB seeks to promote positive news. There are many an oasis of love and light out there, stories that show compassion and the resilience of the human spirit. Sharing these stories increases our awareness of hope in our increasingly dark world. For more information, visit:
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