A is for Air

Hello all A to Z participants.
So here I’m with my very first post to participate in this online challenge.
Since I have decided to write about Panchtatwa’s and other natural elements which have always been an inspiration and motivation for me to write. I believe in natural elements, natural resources and use of sustainable resources. I am obsessed with Panch Tatwas of nature, of the universe. My blog name too is influenced by it.
So to begin this journey what else other than the very very important natural resource which surround us and which is important for our survival and that is AIR.
Air is one of the prime element of Panch Tatwas so I begin my A to Z challenge journey with this vital element of life.
Have u smelled or felt the air lately?
The place I live in is having pure oxygen-filled air, and when you inhale you feel the nature in you.
The fresh breath of air within changes your mood, breathing can change your mindset.
I love the feeling of the fresh air on my face and the wind blowing through my hair. - Evel Knievel
It’s our duty as humans to keep the air around us clear, pure, unpolluted.
One can’t deny the value of air in this world. We all know we are surrounded by air. We live in it, we breathe it, and its everywhere.
Air, which can also be linked to space and atmosphere is a powerful life source that is important to sustain life.
Air is called the breath of life, It’s Life I will say.
Due to air pollution we are losing its worth, the emissions from factories, burning of petrol, oil, coal, this all leads to increased respiratory disorders, which if not taken care of we all may need to move with oxygen masks or even cylinders to breathe.
I associate Air with Random/ impromptu thoughts and musings @Musings Air is constantly in motion, even when you can’t see it. This is same for the mind of a person. Air is the most concentrated on thought. We can feel them, imagine them but can’t touch them they are ever flowing. It doesn’t have any shape or volume, it’s random like thoughts.
Air is alive, Alive is aware, Awareness is to take care of nature’s beautiful gifts.
Linking it with #AtoZchallenge 2018 A is for Amazing Alphabet Team and

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16 Responses

  1. All we need is love and fresh air!

  2. Neha says:

    Air is life. True. And in big cities, we are gradually losing life thanks to the pollution of the same air 🙁

  3. Nice article. These days it’s difficult to breathe fresh air due to high pollution in cities!!

  4. Wow, what an interesting theme! We take so much for granted – including the air that we breathe in! Amazing start to the challenge 🙂

  5. Your blog is beautiful! I love how you relate thing to the % essential elements!
    Follow the Adventures of Leo on my blog.
    A is for Ahoy.

  6. Frances D says:

    I just toured your A-Z challenge posts backwards from K-A – your blog is a puja to Mother Nature – I love it! Shanti

  1. 4th April 2018

    […] A is for Air […]

  2. 9th April 2018

    […] A – A is for AIR […]

  3. 9th May 2018

    […] A – A is for AIR […]

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