Tagged: Trees of India


December Tree Love

“For in the true nature of things, if we rightly consider, every green tree is far more glorious than if it were made of gold and silver.” – Martin Luther While waiting for a friend in...


October Tree Love

Let us learn to appreciate there will be times when the trees will be bare, and look forward to the time when we may pick the fruit. ~ Anton Chekhov Yet another walk and yet another...


Tree Love Countryside

I often see this tree on my daily evening walks. The Tree is very lively, green, and fully grown, a cow is constantly grazing nearby along with wild butterflies too. Some white wildflowers or maybe not-so...


Tree Love Cypress

“Someone is sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” – Warren Buffett Took an early evening walk on not so usual walking path of mine down Nilgiri hills. What...


Tree Love – Ficus thonningii

Ficus thonningii Ficus Thonningii, Common Name: Strangler Fig. Strangler fig is an evergreen tree with a rounded to spreading, dense crown. And this crown only attracted my attention while crossing a road in Chennai. It looked...


Tree Love – October 2021

In October first week, I accompanied my son to an examination center. Once the exam began parents were to wait in the waiting hall in the school building. The waiting hall for parents was on second...


Tree Love May 2021

Lockdown is back and roads are again empty,We can’t step out as they closed the entry.I miss the drives and trees on the side,Will we get back to normal, so I can enjoy the Ride…The deserted...


X-Mas tree that grew with me in 2020

In the first place, I’m blessed to see many beautiful trees near me, but this X-Mas tree stands apart. It was always a pleasure to see it standing tall and strong when anxiety gripped me in...


Tree Love – Peepal Tree

When you see a tree I have lately felt the urge to go near it, touch it, hug it, click it and say a small thanks for it has stayed so strong and green for years....


Forest Be Forever

A drive-thru Bandipur The latest read post on The African elephants in Wordless Wednesday just took me back to my memory of this majestic animal. I had spotted en route Mysuru via Bandipur Forest. My pics...