Tagged: #Ariel initiative


Let’s fold and share the load

Hey, Sonny boys of mine… What an eventful month and productive holidays we had. We washed the clothes together Also, We cleaned the cupboards otehr day, We washed the utensils Had a great time when We...

SonDay Funday clean-Day 0

SonDay Funday clean-Day

Yet another week to spread the #sharetheLoad. I’m loving this initiative by Ariel as this all brings my boys more close to me, thankfully its chutti time here so I am able to get them freely...


SonDay cleaning my wardrobe

Once again it’s time to share the load and this time it’s my candies who are helping me to clean the wardrobe too. I was out for a whole month because of an ongoing event/ conference....


Son Share the Laundry

Recently I came across this Ariel India‘s campaign about “ShareTheLoadMovement”  on Blogadda.com. I am proud to have always had my boys to share the load with me since they grew up to understand this thing. It...