Yet another week to spread the #sharetheLoad.
I’m loving this initiative by Ariel as this all brings my boys more close to me, thankfully its chutti time here so I am able to get them freely and willingly with me.
“If sharing the load is taught at an impressionable age, it becomes a part of their value system. ” I had read this and even my mom use to tell this to me always and I am happy and proud to grow boys who know the importance of sharing responsibilities at an young age.
This task was by my young M candy as this time he felt why only big bro is helping mother and why not me. Let me tell you all that my Younger one is always a big help to me, Not for any contest or prizes but he himself has the feeling realizing that i alone handle the complete household, he is always there to help me. Many times when my maid goes on chutti he helps me with brooming and mopping too. when it’s time to clean up, suddenly everyone disappears but not this younger M candy, he is always by my side with a sweet smile.
So it’s washing Sunday
Washing utensils on Sunday is as it is my task, reason well maid is having her holiday and so the Sunday tasks are for sure shared among my boys. When I told him that today you will also be part of my blog post he was more excited.

After this utensil washing spree,
Also i will say there is no such age, even five-to-six-year olds can be taught how to scrape and rinse their plates. Start with less or just plates, trust me kids love it. Work with them to clean this way they understand their work and are happy to have you by there side. My boys are the little mess makers in my house and washing dishes is any easy chore to separate them from messing around. Also this way they get into something constructive and help me too by sharing the load.
One more thing When the job is done, don’t forget to thank your hard workers! Let them know how much you appreciate their help. Positive reinforcement gives your kids the opportunity to get more out of helping around the house.
I am participating in #ShareTheLoad movement and for the next four Sundays. Ariel has one new task every Sunday and I pledge to #ShareTheLoad in household chores in association with Ariel and BlogAdda.
For my other posts on “ShareTheLoadMovement” click here

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