Hey, Sonny boys of mine… What an eventful month and productive holidays we had.
We washed the clothes together
Also, We cleaned the cupboards
otehr day, We washed the utensils
Had a great time when We laid tables, made teas and I’m really thankful that you both were a great help to me.
Soon your school is starting so before you get occupied with studies and busy schedules let’s play a game.
Let’s fold some clothes and the time given is 30 seconds…
And here starts your time… Tick tock tick tock tick tock and time up…

Wow not bad you actually folded 6 clothes that’s not bad for beginners.
Okay, will also share with you a laundry hack – teach kids to fold clothes with a simple DIY folding board, just a similar way as it is in packed shirts.
Also for beginners and small kids, grab a tea towel and show them how the corners can be folded together before smoothening the fabric. Teach them to fold in half first.
As a mother, I am a firm believer in teaching kids to do chores around the house, even when it’s easier to just do them yourself. With folding clothes, we need to have loads of patience, as little ones just seem to lack the coordination necessary to fold clothes tidily. Give them time.
All I want is just keep helping and sharing when you grow up. Always be of help to others and never give up.
Always help others and share the load and not just Sundays but whatever day be it always be ready to share the load and help all.
I recently read a beautiful folding poem will share with you all
I was folding clothes this morning
When I picked up a sparkling sheet
I thought about the many times
Through my life, I felt defeat
While smoothing out the wrinkles
I compared this sheet from the line
Too many times during a lifetime
We have reason to complain and whine
Life is hard and we sometimes pause
And think we just plain can’t go on
But we can, of course, always
We can stand up tall and be strong
We can smooth out all those wrinkles
Possibly change the way life flows
And perhaps it would be easier if we
Remember it’s just like folding clothes
I am participating in #ShareTheLoad movement and for the next four Sundays. Ariel has one new task every Sunday and I pledge to #ShareTheLoad in household chores in association with Ariel and BlogAdda.
For my other posts on “ShareTheLoadMovement” click here
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