Makar Sankranti

To begin with, January is the season of change…

change of the calendar year…

change of Sun’s movement towards tropic of Capricorn…

New harvest

The warmth of winter Sun

Loads of winter food

and Harvest festival to accompany

Makar Sankranti

Makar Sankranti is a very important festival in India. In the first place, it’s a harvest festival that signifies the importance of agri based Indian traditions. In short, It represents multiculturalism in today’s society. People all over the country celebrate it in varied ways.

Makar Sankranti has celestial importance too as Sun begins its northward journey from today and enters Tropic of Capricorn.

Last year I had this fortunate chance to visit Rameshwaram on Makar Sankranti.

I was amused by the rangolis each and every small house had made in the small lane beside the temple.

As an illustration, sharing the glimpses of them.


Important to realize, for the Makar Sankrant festival, eatables are made with sesame seeds and jaggery. Tilachi vadi or Tilgul is one of the popular sweets. In Maharashtra, India, people exchange Tilgul saying, “Tilgul Ghya god – god bola” which means “Have this sesame jaggery sweet and forget any misgivings of the past and speak sweet and be friends forever.” Make relations and bonds stronger and longer. 

Without delay, To make Tilwadi this Sankranti do check my recipe here to enjoy the sweetness of this festival.

Linking up with Natasha and Esha for Wordless Wednesday this week. 



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11 Responses

  1. Alpana says:

    Happy Makar Sankranti to you too!!

    I am in love of this time of the year. January cold, and along with that yummy tip vadi. Heaven!! It reminds me of the haldi-kumkums my mom used to host at our place.

    • Happy Makar Sankranti to you too dear.
      Til gul ghe god god bol which you always do although.
      True this time of year, season change, Sun travels, loads of winter food and warmth of Sunny days it’s just lovely.
      Haldi kumkum is a great ritual to have girly get-togethers isn’t it.

  2. Natasha says:

    Wow, thank you for these snippets of Makar Sankrati/Pongal.

    And the little informative tit-bits.

    The recipe is swell and I’m going to give it a go.

    Thanks Pragun.

    Welcome back to #WW.
    We’d love to have you display our brand new badge too next time. 🙂

  3. Happy Makar Sankranti to you ! Love the photos of the rangolis.

  4. What a lovely one! In my area, I also spotted similar kolams and they were gorgeous.
    Happy Sankranti! Hope you had a good one!

    • Thanks, yes kolams, rangolis, mandalas all these are traditional messages of positivity.
      Sankranti wishes to you too.
      Being the harvest festival all over India it’s celebrated in different ways, and it’s fun to know about the varied ways India celebrates it.

  5. Hope you had a wonderful celebration on Makar Sankranti! Reading your post, I can definitely say your recipe was a great success! In Bengal, we too have a wonderful round of celebrations around this time, during Makar Sankranti, with the tradition of home-made sweets and pancakes which we call ‘pitha’ that are served with generous helpings of jaggery, also included in the preparations of the sweets.
    Btw, so glad to see you join in our very first edition of #ww for 2020! See you again and here’s wishing you a wonderful week ahead. 🙂

    • Hey thanks, Esha, Sankranti wishes to you too. Wow, pitha is quiet similar to gurpoli i.e. jaggery roti which we also make during this time.
      It has always been my pleasure to be with WW, get to see some really great wordless moments with you all.

  6. subuhi says:

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