“The key to behavioral change is to pass behavioral control to the environment.” — Paul Gibbons Behavioral change can significantly impact the environment. When individuals or communities modify their behaviors in ways that are more environmentally friendly, the cumulative effects can lead to substantial positive outcomes. Here are several ways behavioral…
“Oceans are gifts from God, and we must take care of them by being more responsible” The “clean up movement” refers to various efforts aimed at cleaning and maintaining the environment, often through initiatives such as litter clean-ups, waste reduction, recycling programs, and advocating for policies to protect natural resources.…
Industrial decarbonization is challenging compared to other sectors but can be achieved if evidence-based strategies are designed to enable the development of new technologies, encourage investment in related infrastructure, and reduce other barriers that make it difficult for companies to take action. Peter Taylor, Study Co-Author and Professor, Department of…
Rethink before you buy Reuse before you throw Refuse what you don’t need Reduce what is of no use Recycle creatively Repurpose thoughtfully It fills me with immense joy and happiness to successfully complete yet another year and season of sustainable talks. Green Tatwa Talks has so far conducted…
Being natural is incredibly empowering for women because it’s just who you are. You’re embracing all the beautiful things about you from your head to your toes. Because when you mask so much of your natural beauty, people don’t get to see that. – Rozonda Thomas Natural cosmetics Natural cosmetics…
It makes a big difference to recycle. It makes a big difference to use recycled products. It makes a big difference to reuse things, to not use the paper cup – and each time you do, that’s a victory. – Emily Deschanel Waste Management Waste management refers to the collection, transportation,…
“Plogging is brilliant because it is simple and fun while empowering everyone to help create cleaner, greener, and more beautiful communities”. Have you ever thought of clubbing your walking or jogging along with an added health benefit? Not just your health but also the health of your Planet Earth. Now…
Podcasts are a great way to learn more about the world around you. And when it comes to growing environmental concerns and climate action, podcasts certainly play a very significant role. The latest news says that Disney finally revealed the newest addition to the Frozen franchise, and it’s not an animated…
Nature demands a gift for everything that it gives, so what we have to keep doing, is returning [leaves & compost materials] back to the soil, then we’re continuously giving the gifts to nature, because we have a return cycle. Geoff Lawton Sustainability isn’t a destination – it’s a journey.…
“Sustainability is no longer about doing less harm. It’s about doing more good.” Jochen Zeitz Sustainable living means we prioritize the use of natural and renewable resources instead of creating excess waste and depleting environmental resources for future generations. Sustainable living is a lifestyle, practice, and philosophy. And in the…
The environment is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest; it is the one thing all of us share. It is not only a mirror of ourselves but a focusing lens on what we can become. -Lady Bird Johnson, Former First Lady of U.S. Sustainable…
Reuse the past, recycle the present, save the future Before I begin my post today, sharing an awesome news with you all. Praguntatwa Talks My Green Tatwa Talks is now listed in the top 30 Eco-Friendly Podcasts. The list is released by FeedSpot. Check the List here.…
Lately ‘Kantara’ Star Rishab Shetty Talks About the Role of Cinema in Environmental Consciousness at UNHRC in Geneva. “The global agencies and the governmental organisations are at the forefront of pursuing environmental sustainability. In addition, civil society in India is also involved in local environmental protection.…
“Clothes Could Have More Meaning And Longevity If We Think About Owning The Latest Or Cheapest Thing And Develop More Of A Relationship With The Thing We Wear” Biodegradable fibers are becoming increasingly important due to their potential to reduce the environmental impact of textiles and other fiber-based products.…