The Family learns to #ShareChoresMultiplyLove in lock-down

Lockdown 1.0, 2.0. 3.0. 4.0… and counting. No travel, No get-togethers, No-schools, No-functions. Kids – insides, shock for moms, staying full day within the home doing nothing, or maybe everything.

Suddenly life changed, it completely tumbled upside down. Everyone was home, no not everyone I agree, there were many who were still on the job, whatever the situation. The doctors, nurses, medical staff, police and defense services, the FMCG providers, and endless such people stood there to make it happen to ease our lockdown each and every day.

Life was testing everyone and so were the tests of all who were at home. Especially the spouse and kids were the targets. Well maybe I should not use the word target but yes they were in the line with expectations. This was when many realized how mothers, sisters, especially SAHM spend their days. Suddenly the hunger had increased and mommies were full-time chefs.

Help – The big word to #ShareChoresMultiplyLove

Moms get accustomed to these duties that they don’t even realize they need help too. Ahhh the word – HELP, it was a major need especially when house help was also were not allowed. And here came the real testing time. I’m not sure of all but I’m glad my boys actually came out shining bright in the help section. No, it was not from day 1 but slowly and slowly may be out of boredom or some empathy to Mumma dear my elder one started approaching me in the kitchen asking if he can help me.


Washing and Water the Favourite #ShareTheLaundry

Laundry is said to be the easiest and simplest help job. My kids say, why not as the task involves playing with the soap and water. Loading the washing machine with clothes and water is a fun thing for kids. Wherever there is water kids just love it. Working with kids is an ever learning and growing experience. If we do it often, kids really can be fun to work with.

Washing clothes and then hanging clothes on the clothesline is always a fun and play activity. They enjoy the drying process as twitching the damp clothes on each other is always a playful activity. And then putting them on the clothesline and handing me the clips is yet another task. It’s fun to #ShareTheLaundry.

A Proud mommy

Kids were ready to learn how to prepare dough for roti’s and even rolled them for me. For a few days, we had lots of cute shapes and maps and then we settled for squares and ovals too. I requested boys to at least pick and sort laundry and they happily did it. Not from Day one but yes as the days passed so did the helping chores got better.

We cooked together, we cleaned together, even dusting and mopping came in the line with duties. making tea became another favorite task as the reward is a few sips after the job was done.

My boys helping me is not a new thing. I’m proud they always are that much needed helping hand to me. Earlier also I taught and folded clothes together, it was fun when my son even shared laundry with me, It was a great experience when we cleaned the wardrobe together.

Together we sailed the boat

we cooked and baked

we cleaned and kept it perfect

Aprons were out and so were the chef hats

Chopping, cleaning, laying, cooking I had mini assistants for that.




This post is linked with the #ShareTheLoad campaign. That calls all to say, ‘I will #ShareTheLoad and help in household chores in association with Ariel India and BlogAdda

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