You, Me, or We in the Universe

We are all part of this wonderful, mystical, magical, and infinite Universe. The universe always speaks to us by sending messages and hints and to make us believe in ourselves and more. Just trust and have faith and let your positive energies play their role.

If you can imagine it, dream it, and believe in it – The universe will support your journey and deliver it to you…

The universe reveals its magic in mysterious ways and that too when you are not even expecting it or trying to control it. This magic is magical in itself – which cannot be controlled, anticipated, negotiated, manipulated, predicted, or placated. There is beauty in its existence, as it won’t happen exactly the way we wish it or how we want it to happen either. But when it happens it sure brings something precious along, a different kind of freshness, another level of curiosity, a childlike excitement, an unsolved mystery, a beautiful inspiration, genuine authenticity, gratitude towards nature, and realization of being alive that helps us to explore more.

Exploring what we have no idea about, expecting the unexpected, focusing on what we never considered before, walking a new road, heading ahead even without any plan, just playing your part without anyone to guide or instruct, journeying with no aim, asking or demanding nothing – that’s how universal magic is possible and reachable.

For me, I never believed in-universe till I found my muse. It was never about finding magic or chasing the universe, it always was about allowing magic to find you. Let the universe play its role and weave its ways. This ‘magic’ can be a place or even person, a feel or even emotion, a passion or even a dream. I’m writing this poem to express my feelings for this universal energy that helped me write, and hold my pen during the lockdown. I never believed so much in the universe till I really started believing in myself again. 

Quotes about time space Terry pratchett quote “so much universe and so  little time |

I never believed in magic,
Never did I expected it.
I never looked up to the universe,
Yet, it was silently spreading its magic.

The world was in global lockdown,
Anxiety & stress gripped the town.
And one fine day while just looking around,
You peeped from behind the trees with half a crown.

I was wandering with a lonely soul,
I spoke my heart out with a stroll,
I cried aloud with my heart as a whole,
And I found My Muse shining from the North pole.

I felt like scribbling with my pen,
Unaware I started rhyming when,
Words started floating there and then,
It was like I was totally born again.

Were stars shifting places up above,
Were those planets thinking to fall in love,
Were the words saying something?
Was the universe experiencing a spring?

I experienced a new freshness
A childlike excitement
A heartfelt laughter
And a beautiful inspiration

I kept walking on a new unexplored road,
I started expecting the unexpected once more.
I kept playing my own part,
Heading ahead without any plan.

I’m not demanding
neither am I asking
All I’m doing is to keep the faith alive
Do my part and just take the dive…

Can I
May I
Shall I
Will I


J oo uuu r …. nnneeyiiiiiiiiiiiiiiingggggg thru every UP
and down

You helped me create
You inspired me to write
You were the reason I thought
You became my written words

In gratitude for having your thoughts around.
Weaving words with emotions, feelings, and tinkling sounds,
Expressing the heart and the healing abound.
Looking over the window with the sky little browned.

One day – You, Me, and We all will be gone
But the mountains have heard it with a call on,
The trees have experienced it over walks on the lawn,
The sunset has secretly kept it hidden till the dawn.
The whispers in the wind won’t tell anyone.
Nature will take in its stride everyone.

Has the universe accepted it?
Are the energies well-knit?
Some questions remain unanswered for a lifetime,
That’s the beauty of life and its mysterious rhyme.
Till Then…
Living every moment with hope and sunshine,
Walking from coastline to as far as cloud nine.

“This post is a part of ‘UMeU’ Poetry Blog Hop #UMeUBlogHop organized by Manas Mukul. The hop is brought to you by Soul Craft and You, Me & The Universe.”

UMeU Blog Hop Mandatory Image

To read more of my poems click here.

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42 Responses

  1. “You peeped from behind a tree with half a crown” – wow!

    “universe experiencing spring” – this was my favourite

    What a beautiful poem and play with phrases and structure. I adored it😊

    This poem is so relatable as a fellow writer, to find something that you are passionate about, to find a muse, a love, a craft makes you realise the magic in this universe. Loving the aura of this piece, Prachi

  2. Pri says:

    An interesting thought.
    But let me play devil’s advocate here.

    It’s great to know you believe it is the universe that conspired to keep you motivated and maintain your mojo in these trying times. But honestly, it has always been YOU! 🙂

    ‘You’ chose to stay positive, ‘you’ decided to persevere, to not allow the negativity to affect you, to keep beckoning your muse.

    Yes, maybe the universe does work in mysterious ways. But mostly from the inside. So in that sense, ‘You’ are your ‘You’niverse.

    Keep going!

    • Thank you very much, Priyanka for connecting Me and the “You”universe. I truly loved it.
      Agree it’s always Us who do it, just that a pushing factor plays the role of motivation and that is what is required sometimes.

  3. This is so beautiful. The universe does have its own mysterious ways of bringing out the best in us. My thoughts too resonate with your lines. Loved the verses. There is so much of energy in your poem.

  4. Ramya V says:

    The flow was amazing, loved your thought process. Love the universe more with your beautiful lines.

  5. Rashi Roy says:

    That’s such a beautiful and inspiring take on the theme. You and your words inspire me in a lot of ways. Loved a few phrases, the idea behind this poem and your muse 🙂 Everything about this piece is so serene.

  6. Prague the best part of your work is you put nature in the front and believing in yourself and walking along with life. Beautiful dear.

  7. The divine message sent by the universe is awaiting us to hear it. Poignant and thoughtful poem.

  8. Loved the flow, energy and rhythm of your weave. My most favourite line being, “Walking from coastline to as far as cloud nine”…how awesome!

  9. At a time when uncertainty gripped all of us, I started believing innthe magic that the universe can unfold. Now I know that I’m not alone…nice positive poem, Prachi.

  10. Deepika says:

    You have woven such interesting similes here, makes the poem even more beautiful. Loved the idea and concept you wove into the theme

  11. A very unique take on the prompt and how wonderfully you have expressed your gratitude, your love to your muse! It is such a heartfelt poem and it straight comes out from your heart and reaches another’s . Kudos to you!

  12. Well expressed.
    Everything happens as per God’s grace.
    There is so much magic! Truly blissful for those who realize.
    Just like the Hindi movie song goes- “Ye kaun chitrakaar hai?”

  13. Wow… What a lovely creation. So detailed and expressive. I like how you gave a brief in the beginning. I can see you incorporating so many concepts from the workshop too. Great to see that. We seldom know what or who might inspire us. Great you have such an inspiration. Keep writing. Thank you for being a part of the #UMeUBlogHop.

  14. poems with intros have another level of depth to them, yet all poems don’t deserve that, this one did.

  15. Wow! Here comes the queen poetess Pragun, who well knows how to stir the chord of thought-process, to bring the alignment with the theme. Perfecto! You have beautifully weaved, well expressed, straight from the heart the magic of the Universe in between of U and Me! I too strongly believe and live in this line….. “All I’m doing is to keep the faith alive
    Do my part and just take the dive”

    • Thanks a lot, Archana, You have always been constant support with your kind words and showering love on my creations.
      Thank you very very much, dear it means a lot. The universe is magic and we are just the characters playing our part in its ways.

  16. This is so unique buddy, really loved the way you have penned this so soulfully.

  17. The link with the nature is for all yet only few get the right chords and you did and also excelled in expressing the same in this poetry. Delighted to read your poetry that also fill us with so much care and faith.

  18. Wow what an inspirational post. Whether the universe experienced the spring or not I definitely did reading the post and the poem. I really needed to hear these lines today

    “There is beauty in its existence, as it won’t happen exactly the way we wish it or how we want it to happen either. ”

    Thanks so much for such a lovely and inspirational take on the prompt. Will save this post of yours. And now that you have found your muse may you see scale new heights and many a spring’s with it :).

  19. One of the best poetry I have read so far. Your words can actually make people believe in unbelievable. Beautifully penned and touched my heart deeply.

  20. It was so beautiful to read your connection to The Universe, Pragun. As someone who is a believer herself, I could resonate with every emotion you expressed. This will have to be my best of this wonderful challenge.

  21. Neha Jain says:

    Truly inspiring words. I read it twice. We all need a dose of positivity, your words gave us a lot of that.

  22. Pragun the way you’ve shown trust and belief in the universe, I feel like reinstating my faith in it. I know Universe works in its own ways and sometimes they are magical, but at other times they are mysterious and painful. Your words and the small introduction above the poem made me dwell upon my life in lats two years and search for those magical moments! Beautiful write!

  23. Reshma says:

    Pragun must say conspiracy between the universe and you made up a heavenly way to heartfelt words, could feel the dips of emotions blending so well, wonderful just loved it.

  24. This is so unique and beautiful Pragun. You actually Weave words with emotions, feelings, and tinkling sounds. I am a fan of your writing and this one is amazing.
    “Living every moment with hope and sunshine,
    Walking from coastline to as far as cloud nine.”

    So beautifully expressed.

  25. Shalini says:

    Amazing piece with beautiful rhyme( rhyme and rhythm are my weaknesses)
    The reference of mountains took my heat…. Yes mountains call mountains hear and they keep secrets…the spring season all set in brilliant imagery very well knit piece … more power to you😊

  26. Weaving words with emotions, feelings, and tinkling sounds – Wow! I could actually feel and hear you saying these words. Your poem is an AMAZING take on how some of us looked at the lockdown. Keep writing and spreading positive vibes.

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