The “Z” Tiffin

Welcome to A to Z of tiffin ideas with me.
I am trying to give AtoZ suggestions for lunch box woes and today is Day 26 with letter Z.
So Let’s pack the Z Tiffin

Zig Zag Vine fruit

Image result for zucchini bread

Zinfandel Grapes

Zucchini Bread

Zafrani Pulav

 Zunka bhakri

Zunka Bhakri

Click here for the recipe

Image result for zunka bhakar

Zafrani Pulao

Zafrani Pulao Commonly known as Zarda, Zafrani Pulao a luscious sweet dish with a rich aroma. It is a festive delicacy of north India. Zafrani Pulao basically belongs to the Nawabi delicacies of India, it is prepared on the occasion of marriages and regional festivals. Try this sweet rice preparation enriched with high calories ingredients.


  • 2 cups: Rice (long, grained)
  • 1/2 cup: Sugar
  • 4 tsp: Ghee
  • 18-20: Almonds.
  • 12-15: Cashew nuts.
  • Pinch: Saffron.
  • 1/4 tsp: Nutmeg Powder.
  • 1/2 tsp: Green Cardamom Powder


  1. Wash rice twice and soak in just enough water to cover it for half an hour. Drain excess water.
  2. Place almonds and cashew nuts in a flat microwave dish and cook uncovered on Microwave medium (70%) for five minutes. Let them cool and thinly slice the almonds. Halve the cashew nuts.
  3. In a deep casserole, mix ghee and rice and cook, uncovered, on Microwave high (100%) for two minutes.
  4. Stir. Cook, uncovered on Microwave high (100%) for two minutes more.
  5. Mix nutmeg powder, green cardamom powder, saffron, raisins, and sugar into the rice.
  6. Add three and a half cups of water and milk and stir once.
  7. Cover and cook on Microwave high (100%) for fifteen minutes.
  8. Allow standing time for five minutes.
  9. Garnish with almonds and cashew nuts. Serve hot.

Related imageZinfandel Grapes


Today is Final Day 26 with the letter “Z” of the AtoZ challenge.

My theme for the challenge is ‘Tackling Tiffin tantrums” to help ease lunchbox woes for moms & kids.

If you liked this post then do drop a comment below. Don’t forget to share this post with your friends and family.

That’s all for today, with my final post! For all AtoZ of Tiffin Ideas click here or search for #A2ZTiffinideas on Twitter and Facebook.

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22 Responses

  1. Zunka bhakhrii! is love

  2. I dont like polao at all but will love to try the first one, bookmarked it.

  3. Congratulations on completing the challenge! I will miss my daily dose of tiffin ideas but happy to walk away with so many new ones through your series!

  4. abhijit says:

    Now that the series is over, what are we supposed to eat in our tiffin? A great series, with so many new recipes and tiffin ideas. Enjoyed reading it.

  5. I am going to try zucchini bread. I do prepare zunka and love it. As the CHALLENGE COMES TO AN END , I Will miss your delicious tiffin food. Congratulations on completing the Challenge.

  6. It was so amazing of you to choose this as a theme and throw so many tiffin options in each post. Keep going.
    Congratulations on completing the challenge. All the best for future writing. Enjoy!
    #ContemplationOfaJoker #Jokerophilia

  7. Zunka is love! Your tiffin series made me crave for food Pragun 🙂 Now I have to try all of them! It was a great A2Z tiffin series.

  8. Wow! I loved your Tiffin series Pragun 😍 it’s totally worth bookmarking. All the best for your future writing endeavors:)

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