Requirements of a post

Namaskar readers

8 years ago, I decided to write my first online digital post online. It was also the day my second bundle of joy was born. So, basically I decided to be the mom of my blog and baby both the same day. I was clueless about the basic requirements of a post and just started writing like a rough notebook.

The thought crept and I made my first blog which is lost somewhere in the jungle of blogs. I registered on blogger and prepared a long list of To-Dos. I was restless the whole day, Maybe it was because I was thinking of two babies at the same time and have dreams for both of them. By evening another baby was born and two babies were in my lap. Well, one was on the laptop which was attended after a few weeks as the human baby born out of my flesh and blood was the priority. The second baby blog was born out of my mind and soul.

I was technically sound but was not at all aware of the blogging world or jungle. It was a never-ending and ever learning journey. 8 years have passed and from many different blog names to the self-hosted site, last year lot has happened in between. But I still remember the first blog post I had written that day to mark my journey.

What I learned in this journey is not describable in just a few words, it’s a potpourri of a lot of things, lots of co-bloggers, writing styles, contests, campaigns some lost some win, recognition, name identity to name a few. What I understand is in this creative journey a thought can pop up anytime and how you present or write it depends on you. A little way to a post can give a great post. Here I share my 8 Rs of a post which I followed all these years, I feel these are the basic requirements of a post when we think of drafting an article.

Image result for happy 8th year anniversary

Mind’s diary at work

Blogging, writing, expressing thoughts all can happen at any moment. Mind’s diary is always at work. Be it reading, remembering, recording the events, and moments it is always busy. We are always surrounded by thoughts and sometimes they just pop up with that different or peculiar idea or moment worth recording or writing. To find out the Rs of a post with me.

So many competitions, contests, blog hop, this subject that prompt and then some times getting into writer’s block. Is it all that sounds similar? Yes, it’s natural, and no worries in times of technology we are at ease. As thoughts can pop up any time of the day or night and it needs to be recorded before it jumps out of mind’s window.

Diary, Ipad, Write, Blog, Workplace, Notebook

Most of the time I am writing in my mind, drafting, editing before I press the publish button. Yes, our mind’s diary is strong and always active but still, we need to publish it electronically or maybe on paper.

It must have happened with all bloggers, writers, authors, poets, thinkers….everyone. We bloggers eat, sleep, read, look, watch, think the only blog. Everywhere and in everything we look for a post to be written does this happen to you?

Sometimes a beautiful thought just pops up and by the time you reach home and sit to write, it just vanishes.

SO what to do?

Billiard, Ball, Black Ball, Eight, Round, BlackIn this digital world, I make use of a mobile’s note pad for that matter as it’s readily available at any time with me. I love to write and a notepad is always handy on my workstation. But sometimes write in the middle of the walk, or on the drive, or even while cooking an idea can just pop-up and you can’t let it just go.

Here are few tips to immediately keep an account of your surprising eureka thought to capture-

  • Mobile is handy so make use of note pad.

There are many apps like –

  1. EverNote
  2. Microsoft OneNote
  3. Paper
  4. Simplenote

Click here for more details on these apps

  • Keep the camera on the main screen,  you never know when you get that object or moment for the click that is needed for your blog post or photo prompt.
  • If you use your blog platform or web-page from mobile, just type it whatever comes to in the mind instantly. Writing in points is helpful. This way at-least the information or matter or pointers stays in draft form so you can edit later. Write down the main points if not the whole matter, so you can connect it later.
  • It’s hard to beat pen and paper which don’t need a charger or upgrade or passwords. Carry a note pad with a pen attached to it, to just write down all the random views you had framed in your mind.

I will share with you 8 Rs of a post in making, (the basic requirements of a post).

As we have now learned to follow the R’s of Reuse, Reduce, Recycle, Repair in our daily life, similarly for bloggers I have framed the following R’s. So, let’s find out the basic requirements of a post in making to capture the overflowing thoughts.

The 8 R’s of a postNumber, Eight, 8, Numerical, Alphabet, Numeric, Digit

  • Record it
  • Roughly draft it
  • Reconnect it
  • Refer it
  • Re-write it
  • Research on the topic
  • Readability is a must, so make it readable
  • Ready to post

So, follow these Rs to happy writing time. These are like basic requirements of a post when the idea to write pops up. If you are looking at what to write refer to this. Happy Blogging to all.

Let me tell you that 8 is my favorite number which always gives me the hope of infinity of endless possibilities.

Characters, Infinity, Symbol, Icon, Loop, Form, Eight

Do check my ikigai and parenting journey for MyFriendAlexa

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa.

This is my Water post which has my blogger musings.

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22 Responses

  1. Judy Morris says:

    Yes, surely the 8 Rs of a post should be kept in mindand practised with each online article especially when sharing a knowledge-rich article.

  2. Hi, that’s a cute post and i enjoyed the way you described your journey as a blogger. For a blogger, as his/ her blogging evolves, so does his/ her personality and perspective. I also liked the 8 R’s of a post which infact, cover the entire life cycle of a blog post. Great job done 🙂

  3. Wow Pragun its 8 years of blogging, many congrats and wish you lots of luck for future as well. and Loved the had shared really important 8 Rs that will help a lot to all of us in making an awesome post. I agree being a blogger, we always busy in thinking about what write next. it is an amazing creative journey and like you, I am also enjoying every bit of it.

    • Yes surbhi time flies, had started when I was carrying my younger one and its now 8.
      Thanks for your wishes and the same to you as I rem your daughter also turned 8.
      Yes, blogging is an amazing journey where I met so many wonderful bloggers like you who are like-minded.

  4. Woah! Already 8. Fantastic Pragun. You did share some amazing pointers to remember as we bloggers write a post.

  5. Fareha says:

    Hey thank you for sharing such valuable tips. This post of such great use for all writers who always cook up stories but are not equipped with proper instruments to help keep our thoughts in place. I’m gonna make use of it right from today.

  6. Noor Anand Chawla says:

    Without being conscious of it, I have always followed these 8 R’s outlined by you! Truly helpful post Pragun!

  7. Indumathi says:

    Congrats for reaching 8 years of blogging . These 8 points are needed for Any bloggers out there . Rough draft is much needed as we have to correct it before posting

  8. Cool. I almost do all of the above but i never thought of it as the 8 Rs of blogging. Should check if i’m doing all of it though next time i write a post. I know that because i havent recorded some of my thoughts i have forgotten some along the way. but ive learnt that the hard way.

  9. Wow!! 8 years is a long time. All the best for your journey ahead. I loved your post and the 8 Rs will be so helpful for all of us to write better posts. Thanks for this. 🙂 I agree our minds are always working and the suggestion to note it on the phone is so helpful. Will try this for sure.

    • Thank you Arushi, yes its been 8 years and it seems time just flies, although I self-hosted last year only.
      8R’s of basic blogging is required for each post we create I feel.

  10. Loved this post Pragun. It was good to know your blogging journey and how you evolved as a blogger over the years. You rightly mentioned 8 Rs which are essential for every post that we publish.A very helpful post for all bloggers.

    • Thankyou Debidutta for liking the post.
      Yes, its been 8 years time just flies and there is a lot to learn as yet.
      These blogging basics are from my learning journey only.

  11. first of all congratulations Pragun for 8 years of blogging. the 8 R’s of writing a post is so helpful. Thanks for sharing. 🙂

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