My world My nature

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My world, My Life, My passion,
My inspiration, My surrounding nature.
Lucky to breathe daily in this beautiful hilly heaven
Which I call My World for now.
I’m a nature lover, yoga fancier, Sun-Sky watcher and with this beauty at my window, my world is complete.
With nature knocking daily at my doorstep, the fresh filtered oxygen that mother earth shares with me, the blue skies & green grasslands of the picturesque location that nature gifts me, I breathe live & relax to fullest .
My world is complete with my kids beside me in this view that gives me yet another beautiful reason to live, hope, save, Share and thank.

This post is part of the Tuesday Photo Challenge on the theme ‘Our World’ this week.
Linking up with Wordless Wednesday created by Esha and Natasha.
Linking with SkyWatch Friday

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2 Responses

  1. Lovely captures 🙂

  1. 1st October 2018

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