Mother – Oh! she is the family organizer

Being a mother has absolutely changed my life. There are two more people walking the Earth because of me. They are my contribution to society, and one day they will grow up to be influential people. Who will hopefully do amazing things, with families of their own? Motherhood is in no way an easy journey or a job. Moms globally are whole day busy and engaged in numerous tasks and never even realize their own importance. One of the major things moms do is organizing. The title I give her today is Mother – the family organizer. Beautiful motherhood comes with the daunting thought of responsibility and stability.

Be it home, cupboards, rooms, kitchen, books, timetables, schedules, she is managing and organizing it all the whole day. Basically, she is managing and organizing their lives. Keeping things back in their place, keeping them neat and tidy.

Mother – the family organizer

Motherhood is one tough, all-encompassing, daily battle through the laundry, lunch boxes, carpools, and endless school papers kind of gig. When your to-do list is long, and your hours feel short- you need some routines and structure in your life. This routine and organizing routine is to help us to manage our time! This makes Mother – the family organizer, One who knows the best how to keep where, and where to find what.

Realizing that mom is responsible for making children become productive people, starts from what they learn at home. We are their provider, and planning for their future. We are trying hard maintaining a lifestyle that will one day pay for the future.

I remember while growing up mom used to say – “a place for everything and everything in its place”. As a kid, I used to be irritated but with time learned the way to it and now it helps me stay organized.

Today we have more demands on our time and energy than in generations before us.

We expect us to have perfect homes, be available to drive everyone everywhere, make delicious, home-cooked meals that everyone loves every day. We’re in charge of family activities, scheduling, planning trips, remembering to take the garbage out, monitoring the child-appropriateness of TV shows, and hosting elaborate birthday parties and so much more.

  • First thing in the morning she gets herself and the kids ready
  • Start preparing for lunch and dinner right from her brain to kitchen since morning
  • Runs round the clock meals, as kids get hungry every hour
  • Cleaning, laundry, dusting, and lots of mini-tasks keep ongoing
  • Check – check bathroom, basins, tabletops, refrigerators on the go.
Being an organized mom

If there’s one thing I’ve learned from parenting – it’s that when I feel in control of my schedule, when I know where I need to be and at what time, when my home is picked up and uncluttered and I can find whatever it is that I am looking for, and when I have a game plan of what I need to accomplish each day and can check a few things off of my list- I feel less stressed. In short, When I’m organized I’m at my best. I feel proud of myself.

Life just runs more smoothly. And I am a happier person.

No denial we sometimes fail too. We plan to organize or de-clutter, Yet somehow- life gets in the way! And we feel that we just don’t have the time to get organized– because as a busy Mom- there is always something or someone that demands our immediate attention. But that’s okay, we just need to be a mom with a plan. You need time for yourself too and for family too. Have your family help you in routines and habits.

“To take children seriously is to value them for who they are right now rather than adults-in-the-making.”
— Alfie Kohn

This is the letter “O” in the journey of motherhood where we explore Mom’s roles in their children’s lives. Mom’s are everything for her kids, you name it we have it. Do read my earlier alphabets to enjoy the AtoZ of motherhood roles. This post is written as a part of the A2Z challenge, organized by Blogchatter. You will enjoy reading how moms are nurturers, negotiators, and navrasa moms.

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22 Responses

  1. Poonam says:

    Perfect O!
    My brain is busy the moment I open my eyes in the morning. Thinking about all the to-dos for the family and home.

  2. Alpaan Deo says:

    Quote by Alfie Kohnis so perfect. We spend most of our motherhood days in preparing our kids for future but we miss on enjoying their today or childhood days

  3. You know what? I miss all the organising. I have so much love and pampering to give but no one to take. Its getting very difficult to survive alone 🙁

  4. Organizing surely helps and the one who does it perfectly are the Moms, undoubtedly.

  5. Anjalie Sharma says:

    Declutter and Organize – my job description for last 14 years 🙂 Now I can’t start my day without these.

  6. Moms are the busiest folk ever, and often, the happiest too. They do make the best organizers as well. 🙂 Grandmoms like me have an easier job. 😀

  7. So true when you say orginazer. She has a solution for everything. And the best thing is, she knows where is every stuff in the house is.

  8. With a toddler around most of the times I am just organizing… oh God how much can she scatter.

  9. Moms have to be family organisers else their world would scatter like sand grains. And yes,
    you said it right that mothers should also look after themselves by taking help from the family members.

  10. We not only organize events and parties but we have organised their lives.. That’s why everything looks so simple.

  11. Undoubtedly, moms have to stay organized if they want to survive. Yes, today life demands us much more in terms of time and energy than it used to, generations before. So to stay on top of everything, organization is the key!!

  12. Deepika says:

    Being organised yourself and organising the entire house is like the call of duty. I would say this is the toughest role the mothers play given now when everyone is at home.
    Deepika Sharma

  13. Varsh says:

    Right from organising to stuff at home to ours and our kids’ lives, moms are organisers all the way! That’s one of the things that sets us apart and makes our life smooth-sailing.

  14. Ruchi Verma says:

    Mothers are the soul of the home, I agree everything goes on toss if mom is not well; she is an organizer and caretaker.

  15. Jyoti says:

    I agree Moms have to be family organisers but mothers should also look after themselves by taking help from the family members.

  16. Your words are very touching Pragun. Your first paragraph touched a chord at a different level. I am not a good organizer but a v loving mother.

  17. Yes agree dear and I also strongly believe that being organized make you a happier person. having a clear plan and knowing the things make your path easier and less stressed. like you mom, my mom also used to say this but I am following this now after being a mom.

  18. There will always be an unexpected bouncer occurring in our day to day life. But for as much as we can, we all do try to stay as organized as possible, especially with things as unpredictable as they are today

  19. Certainly, motherhood has made me organized. I love where you said, “Two more people are walking the Earth because of me” and “Start preparing for lunch and dinner right from her brain to kitchen since morning”. Haha! So right, our brain comes in action before us.

  20. The family organiser what a wonderful title. Being organised definitely helps us manage better

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