Let’s find the “A” that changed our lives

Ferris Wheel, Landscape, Dubai, U A E, Night, Lights

Joke of the day-

I asked my wife for a newspaper immediately as I needed it for something. 
She said not to be daft and to borrow her iPad.

that spider didn't know what hit it...


Times have changed, so do spiders need digital hits too???

Jokes apart

With the technological change which we accepted we didn’t realize the life which we started living.

We are so much used to with these words and gadgets and applications that they are now part of us.

Let’s begin the series of today with letter “A” and peep into the words of the decade with letter “A”. I will be covering and peeping into some new words and gadgets or apps that crawled in our lives in the decade gone by.
You will be surprised to know some common words we use were not part of the dictionary a decade ago


> Introduced: September 2018

Oxford dictionary definition: A posture adopted in performing hatha yoga.

Origin: From Sanskrit āsana ‘seat, manner of sitting’.

Au pair

> Introduced: September 2013

Oxford dictionary definition: A young foreign person, typically a woman, who helps with housework or childcare in exchange for food, a room, and some pocket money.


Definition: arousing great delight; cute or adorable
I hope now you know how words just start creeping in our lives and we start using them without noticing them.
Alfabet, 3D Albhabet, Letters, Color, Three-Dimensional
So with Word Gyan lets see last decade which gadget changed our lives.
When it comes to A no other word than artificial intelligence takes the scorecard away.

A for AI:

Artificial intelligence needs no introduction. It has changed our thought process our living ways completely.

Every brand doled out AI-related tech like Santa Claus gives you candies on Christmas. Be it Xiaomi, Honor, Asus, Vivo – everyone talked about how AI or artificial intelligence now makes the phones smarter and especially their cameras better.

Augmented Reality

I’m sure the latest in town trend is already making rounds on your mobiles. During lockdown days it’s so trending to keep kids busy.

I was really awestruck when the first time I opened it and curiosity had no limits.

Thanks to Augmented reality 3D pics actually come right in your living room to amuse you.
Google has a bunch of 3D animals you can view in Google Search using AR.
And the gadget that ruled the decade is

Amazon Echo

Another A that changed this decade was – Amazon Echo

Amazon Echo, launched in 2014, along with its in-built voice assistant Alexa has made the management of smart devices much easier.
Have we ever imagined in our childhood that a Ginnie in digital form will listen to whatever we are saying? This innovative device has made a range of activities from home management to communication easier for millions around the globe.
Today Amazon Echo/ Alexa are at our service just by our commands.
One of the most notable inventions of the decade: the rise of virtual assistants, smart speakers, and smart homes can all trace their rise back to the Amazon Echo. It introduced the idea of voice commands and hands-free device control to many, and its success sparked a race among rivals to join the quickly expanding market for not just smart speakers, but accessories and appliances to work with them too.
Inputs from Wikimedia Commons

Apple AirPods

Yet another “A” that bought a digital change in our lives is Airpods

Apple AirPods, launched in 2016, changes the way people listen to music. The gadget has captured the imagination of millions and has acquired a cult status.

So this decade saw many revolutionizing “A’s”. Amazon Echo, Alexa all have changed the way we live & think. Still, we need to see pros and cons both of any gadget that comes to our hands. We need to be careful about how our youth and kids are utilizing it. Change is coming and inevitable, what matters is how positively and properly we use and accept it.

Anchor FM – Radio by the people  

–  a free app for Android and iPhone which allows you to broadcast live clips to a global audience.  Anchor FM enables mini-broadcasting and the creation of an audio conversation that can be likened to an audio version of Twitter.


That’s all for today

Do visit to check about new words and digital things what connected with us.

My theme for A2Z-2020 is peeping into new words and gadgets/ apps that time traveled in our lives in the last decade

and became part of our lives beyond separation now.

Wanna peep into my  A post for tiffin treats…

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26 Responses

  1. Wow such an informative post..and for a person like me it is something a great learning. I am sure with this series, I would be able to learn more about the gadgets and technology.

  2. Hahah, yes spiders need digital hits too 😀
    True, technology has changed our lives, though I am not complaining. This is such a novel and interesting series, Pragun! Looking forward to your posts, all through April. Cheers!

  3. Noor Anand Chawla says:

    Oh yes! Artificial Intelligence, Apple and Amazon certainly changed my life!

  4. How amazing Pragun! So many information in a single post. Lovely, loved them all. Will be back again here.

  5. Shalini says:

    Amazing! I’m going to learn and appreciate some new words this April 🙂

  6. poorvi says:

    Great Post! From asana to Apple, all are important part of our lives now.

  7. Ritu says:

    Interesting to see Asana on the list, Pragun. It has changed my life for sure. I will be following this series for sure.

  8. Yes, it is indeed true that within a couple of decaades technology has introduced us to things we could not even imagine earlier.

  9. Alpana says:

    I am happy that we didn’t have Alexa while growing up. It taught us to have a meaningful conversation. Today, according to kids, Alexa has all the answers. I guess the best part is she never gets bored.:)

    • So true, and our kids are now amused how we survived without Alexa or amazon. But seriously those were the simple soulful days.
      HaHa, that’s a nice one, but what if she gets bored someday?

  10. Very nice post !!! AI and AR are world changing concepts…hope they are used for good!!!

  11. Very interesting post! Looking forward to walking the #BlogchatterA2Z journey with you

  12. This one was easy to follow for me 🙂 Except for Adorbs I knew the rest

  13. This reminded of your story for the decade hop. I’m very bad with technology. So glad I will learn something here.

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