#xplorebharat boarding from Attari-Wagah Border

Proudly and Happily giving Green signal to #XploreBharat Blog Train hosted by #BlogBoosterIndia team.  So recently we all celebrated 70th Republic day, saw the beating retreat and to keep up with this spirit what better way than we can take you all to AttariWagah Border known for its world-famous AttariWagah Border Ceremony. My memory to this place dates back to when I went to Amritsar from Pathankot on bike yes bike almost 100kms just for this. Reason well may be the patriotism or enthusiasm or madness of my rider to whom I was a  pillion rider then.

AttariWagah Border

Wagah or Wagha is a border town situated on the line between India & Pakistan, 27 km from Amritsar on the Indian side and 29 km from the town of Lahore. This is the only crossing point between Pakistan and India that is regularly open to foreigners. The Samjhauta Express train from Lahore to Delhi passes through Wagah. The last station on the Indian side is Attari.

Wagah border is the popular name for the Indian check post on the border, which lies on the Grand Trunk Road. AttariWagah Border use to be a prime trade border since old times. Lahore used to be the trade city and Amritsar use to be the cultural city of erstwhile Punjab. They were then part of Punjab province.

The AttariWagah Border Flag ceremony

Every day of the year, just before sunset, a flag lowering ceremony takes place at the Wagah Border between India and Pakistan. The AttariWagah Border ceremony, formally known as Beating the Retreat, is a popular tourist attraction. Full of enthusiasm it’s a must visit place whenever visiting Amritsar.
The ceremony of lowering of flags is a daily military practice that the security forces of India and pakistan have jointly followed since 1959. It starts with high patriotic spirits from sides of the border.

The Soldiers

The ceremony is performed by soldiers of the Indian Border Security Force and Pakistan Rangers. It involves much planning and coordination between the two countries. The soldiers are specially appointed and trained for the performance.
Soldiers march towards the gate at the border, which is thrown open when they reach there. The drill is characterized by elaborate and rapid manoeuvre movements and raising legs as high as possible.  The soldiers salute each other and start lowering the flags at the same time. The soldiers retrieve and fold the flags, the gate slams shut, and a trumpet sounds the end of the ceremony. The soldiers then return with their country’s respective flag.

The AttariWagah Border Gate

The two countries are separated by two heavy gates set a couple of meters apart. The gates are closed well before the ceremony starts in the evening, and are opened briefly at sunset to allow for the flags to be lowered.
The place is an instant shot of patriotism. It has a stadium kind of infrastructure where you sit and cheer up your soldiers during the gate opening and closing ceremonies in the border between India and Pakistan. The experience is overwhelming and the vibe of this place is just amazing.
It is said the border crossing draws its name from Wagah village, near which the Radcliffe Line, the boundary demarcation line dividing India and Pakistan upon the Partition of British India, was drawn.

Beating the Retreat

The Beating Retreat Ceremony starts every evening immediately before sunset at 4:15 PM in winter and 5:15 PM in summer. It lasts for about 45 minutes. It’s better to arrive at least an hour before the ceremony.
The loud cheer of Vande matram, you can feel patriotism in the air. Once in your life, you should visit this amazing place. Energetic and filled with positive energy & also gives you goosebumps. The moment and decorum of the place are fabulous. Gates opening, hands shaking, randomly picked ladies doing flag march, patriotic songs etc.

The Patriotism

The place brings out the patriotism from deep within the hearts of people from both the countries cheering, clapping and shouting together showing their collective love and passion for their respective soldiers performing with utmost pride and respect for their nations. The soldiers of both India and Pakistan show their spirits.


Pic credit -Ujjwala

From the Indian side, the entry is free, but however, people have to walk some distance before reaching the gallery. The place is well organized in terms of providing visitors with the basic facilities like Ample parking space, water, washrooms etc., also there are many shops to provide the buyers with refreshments.

The process is displayed live on big screens also so even getting the back seat won’t be a disappointment. It’s a truly amazing experience. The crowd, The energy, The patriotic feeling, The display of strength, It’s truly amazing!


Pic credit – Sonali

When you reach there, you are not from any region or religion or state or district, the moment you step there you are filled with the feeling of being a Proud Indian. The josh is filled in by default and I’m sure at the end if asked to any Indian there if he can go and save the nation in any form the answer will be “Yes” in a louder and stronger tone.
One of the most energetic places in India. The people also show their support to their respective army personnel and the event is very awesome. Forget all concerts, this ceremony will give you the goosebumps you can’t imagine. The Enthusiasm here will blow your mind. Must go once in a lifetime for every Indian.

Filled with loads of feeling I also enjoyed The Sun at the retreat which was so enchanting worth the capture and finally, the day said goodbye on an emotional note.

Proud participant and host of #Xplorebharat with #BlogBoosterIndia blog train.

This post is a part of the #XploreBharat Blog Train hosted by Aditi, Esha, Maheshwaran, PraGun, Preeti, Saba, Sanjota, Sonia, Sudip, Suhasini, Supriya

“Today the #XploreBharat Blog Train has come to Wagah with a Green signal for it’s successful and Happy Journey. The next stop of this #XploreBharat Blog Train will be Delhi with Maheshwaran.” Till then have a stay at AttariWagah Border and roam with us.
For more Incredible india’s destinations check out BlogBoosterIndia page.

A big shout out to our sponsors KAIV and FABZANIA for taking this Blog Train experience even further.
KAIV is a personal grooming accessory and appliances brand offering a wide range of world-class products.

FabZania is an upcoming food, travel, entertainment, and lifestyle web portal

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62 Responses

  1. Vijayalakshmi Harish says:

    This is a lot of great info about the Wagah border! I’ve heard of it and seen it on TV. Hope to visit it some day too!

  2. jaya1966 says:

    A very informative post. Really enjoyed the detailed description. And the entire event sounds fascinating. Marching soldiers and the tricolour flying high. I have seen this in TV, but I am sure it would be really enthralling to go to wagah border and actually watch it. Just reading about it raises my patriotic fervour several notches higher.

    • Thanks for stopping by Jai. Glad I was able to start the #Xplorebharat train with this post. Look forward to the journey with you all stay tuned to #BlogBoosterIndia to #XploreBharat.

  3. You filled the air with patriotic fever my dear…It’s really good narrative

  4. aditi says:

    Loved to read the post on Wagah. Being from Punjab, the place is close to my heart:)
    Thanks for the awesome flag off to the #XploreBharat train.

  5. Never been there. Thank so for bringing the experience to my screen! Goose bumps for sure…

  6. Informative, well researched and very well put. There couldn’t have been a better start to this train than from this destination. Well done Pragun

  7. eshachaks says:

    What a start to the #XploreBharat journey… Was transported back to when I had visited Wagah!

  8. Loved your detailed and descriptive post, Pragun. Almost everyone I know has visited Wagah, and it is on my wish list as well.I am surely going to refer to your post once again, before I plan a trip there.

  9. Maya Bhat says:

    I literally felt like being on that place. Thank you for the wonderful experience Pragun. Not sure if would ever visit it in person, but I am so happy to read about the Wagah Border through your post.

  10. mylittleduniya says:

    You made me noatalgic… Recalled my visit to Wagah border back in the year 2013… This post makes the Wagah border experience more and more thrilling.

  11. It’s a lovely place and one that I have been wanting to visit for a long time. Also have heard so much about the grandeur of the ceremony at wagah that I absolutely have to see it in this lifetime.
    That’s a lovely post and a great one to embark the Indian explorer train. Good luck to you.

  12. Just loved how you have described the place. I visited in 2004 winters and the Beating Retreat was such a pleasure to watch. It certainly evokes the feeling of patriotism and love for the Nation. We spoke to many cadets and they were so welcoming. One of the best experiences of my life so far. Memories of this place will always be etched in my heart as the vibes were so positive here.

  13. Congratulations for opening the xplorebharat blog train. I have been lucky enough to witness the said ceremony at Wagah border. And every word of your made me relive the experience. Hats off to you for pulling it through your words so picturesquely

  14. Sudip Saha says:

    I have heard a lot about the Beating Retreat ceremony. Wish to experience it live someday.

  15. Attending this event in Wagah border is my lifetime dream. Very well written! I must say this is the best place & post to start our #Xplorebharat train. I’m sure the next 2 months will be filled with excitement and fun.

  16. bloggeray says:

    This was a nice post. Have read about the place and ceremony in books and also watched it on TV. Your description almost brought the whole ambience to life for me.
    The #XploreBharat Train is well and truly on its journey.

  17. writenlive says:

    This excellent post refreshed my memories of the day I visited the Wagah border. It was many years back and the stadium seating was not there. But the patriotic fervour was high.
    That was also the day i realised that people on both side of the border are essentially the same.

  18. Awesome, beautiful photos and beautiful words , It was feeling like I’m enjoying the beating retreat live , thanks a lot

  19. jayanthi6 says:

    Loved the narrative, Pragun…I really hope I get to visit the place some day…

  20. Reading about Wagha gave me that patriotic feel. I have seen that josh in T. V. and energy is contagious just like reading this post. I hope to witness it once.

  21. Seema Taneja says:

    Hey Pragun, thanks for bringing this ceremony alive through your words and pictures. I have been to Amritsar but missed this experience. Hoping to catch it soon.

  22. A very detailed post, Pragun. I’ve never been to Wagah border, and your post took me there visually. I can sense the feeling of pride and patriotism upon viewing the soldiers and their beat.

  23. What a descriptive write up. The way your writing brims with emotions towards this place is so infectious. I felt as if I was there observing those moments. The pictures bring life to this article. Attari Wagah Border is definitely in my bucket list. Thanks for introducing such a wonderful place which every Indian must visit at least once

  24. Anagha Yatin says:

    The imagery that your words created was replete with pride about India. The pics shared added to the glory of it.
    Thanks for sharing.

  25. Prerna Wahi says:

    I had a similar experience visiting Wagah and you have done full justice capturing it all with your write-up. The feeling of patriotism is surely enhanced with this visit.

  26. I always want to visit this place, but something or the other comes up and we have to cancel plans. Thanks to you and the way you have made it so pictures that i felt as if i have been there myself. wonderful writing.

  27. vidhya29 says:

    A wonderful post!! I always want to go Wagah border!! #XploreBharat

  28. I have visited Wagah border only once a long time back but it is still the same. nothing much has changed. proud of our soldiers
    #poseinstylereads #xplorabharat

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