Inspirational godfather – #WATWB

Positive vibes can be felt from a distance and today I’m talking about a person whom I haven’t met physically, yet he is my Godfather. He is truly an inspiration. I call him G”Ji” and he has been always a help in the moment of crisis. What brings him to my blog is his latest drive. He is associated with Daan Utsav. Image result for daan utsavIt’s India’s festival of giving and joy, which is held every year form Oct2 -Oct8.
Daan Utsav is a beautiful concept in itself. It’s about taking out time from our busy schedule and daily chores and routine.
Going beyond our own lives, to touch someone else’s.
Help can be in many ways….time, effort, money, and Related imagemany other dimensions….one can choose what suits best for the person.
The donation is not the only way, It can be done by giving your time, Make food and distribute, get the things they need from your resources etc. Be a volunteer.
He introduced me to his teamwork by a society which is working for the betterment of society with there efforts for people.Its 10th year they are entering with this beautiful thought of helping others.
It’s a community effort by people of the society.
They have a facebook page too with name sterling terraces.
They have been associated with Daan Utsav since a long time. I got this opportunity to share their work this year.  The following members are actively involved in this event….Kaveri, Lata, Girish, Nitasha, Pallavi, Sandhya, Rajan, Srinivasan, and Sudhir. Sorry if I had left someone in this list.
Let me brief you on what is his team’s efforts for Daan Utsav this year.
This year It’s a collection drive for a special school for visually challenged.
We take our sight for granted but think of those who know only darkness, they are excluded from basic things just because the vision is not there. We have to give them normal social environment because people who are blind can function equally effectively as others.
There are billions of children who due to blindness remain illiterate, and are excluded as separate. We have to bring them and make a part with us.
This team has therefore focussed on needs of our special friends.
This being the blind school their needs are different…

  • Taking about 5000 Braille sheets for their use so they can be more literate and never miss out on information.
  • Taking monthly ration supplies for the school so their basic amenities are met.
  • Taking school uniform, shoes and socks for them. Education creates no difference, it’s only the way of teaching that may differ.
  • Taking teaching aid in the form of play laptops for kids which have an audio interface in them.


Their team is Light in Darkness!
There were various events like Club sandwich making, Food for Change, Taking care of our daily helpers, Donations, sharing smiles etc.
Sharing is caring when given from the heart with pleasure.
For more info on this effort please click Here
The Joy of giving is an ongoing process.Giving for right reasons gives joy and happiness not only to you but in many lives you touch.
Image result for helping hands quotes
Linking it to #WATWB. We Are the World Blogfest” seeks to promote positive news. There are many an oasis of love and light out there, stories that show compassion and the resilience of the human spirit. Sharing these stories increases our awareness of hope in our increasingly dark world.
#WATWB is a blog hop on the last Friday of every month. Click HERE to check out the intention and rules of the blogfest. This blog fest’s goal is to spread the message of light, hope, and love in today’s world. We are challenging all participants to share the positive side of humanity.
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This is my first post in series of #HelpingHands.
Join me with your stories of people with helping hands.

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6 Responses

  1. Alubhujiablog says:

    I loved this post, coming to know of this Daan utsav, v shud definitely try to bring some positive change in others life by whatever means v can, thanx pragun, let m check their fb page

  2. Hi, Pragun a very kind way of offering assistance to those who are differently abled. A noble initiative

  3. Beautiful story. Thanks for sharing.

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