

Refusing to obey, but why?
Is it always necessary to obey, to follow rules or is it okay to break?
I like to follow rules and it gives me tension if by mistake I skip a red signal by mistake if I am not standing in line where the queue is formed.
Some people say its fun to not follow rules. But people love to risk and experiment. They feel obedience is slavery and disobedience is liberty. Following rules may seem unattractive but its results are attractive.

Obedience gives the discipline to live.

It gives a routine. Organization and follow said rules allow combination and association which helps an individual to achieve great things.

Have you seen kids, not following rules maybe they do it to seek attention for parents or guardians? Kids even if asked to play outside will continue playing inside the house, they won’t listen to wearing said clothing or shoes outside the house, but I feel when it comes to kids its somewhere there innocent nature and growing up phase.
But what if sensible grown-up humans do disobedience? But if you don’t rebel against you will not form part of history. Scroll the pages of past and you will find when there was a rebel and great reform or change was formed. But impatience and disobedience will only drive us to take bad and wrong decisions.

Civil disobedience is also one sector which is otherwise not accepted by society and religion. There were times in history when breaking the law was justified: Great leaders like Gandhi and Martin Luther King, broke the law and changed the world for the better.
In order to disobey one needs to have the courage and justify it.
Image result for disobedience     image courtesy – google

While I sit on my Terminal, it creates a pattern of life that sure will make me nostalgic in years to come and wait with Bated Breath not to be disobedient because you can choose courage or you can choose comfort but you cannot have both, else you will be a monster for yourself to fight for searching for positive heart prints in his/ her favourite songs.

I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge.
Monday, Oct. 16 – PROMPT = Disobedience

Linking this to #writebravely #writetribeproblogger #writetribeproblogger

I am taking My Alexa rank to the next level with #MyFriendAlexa via  #Blogchatter


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7 Responses

  1. I do think obedience is different conformity. We don’t need to conform but there are some things we might need to obey. We can choose to disobey but it can have consequences. Non-conformity however, requires more courage.

  2. Dahlia says:

    We are conditioned from birth to be obedient but to realize our true potential and rise above the mundane we have to break the norms and chart out our own paths. A thought provoking post – well done! Happy Diwali 🙂

  3. sukrisblog says:

    All of us have a rebel within us.. but as kids we are conditioned and as a result it remains in our roots for a long time. Yet at times to bring about a change there is a need to b disobedient. Nice write-up.

  4. An@m! says:

    To disobey definitely takes courage and the courage to take a stand and raise your voice.

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