Let’s meet Iron man & karmveer – Praveen Tewatia. A true inspiration, Shaurya Chakra and former Marine commando. A braveheart who took four bullets during the 26/11 Mumbai operation in the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai in November 2008. The bullet hit the Chest, lung, Ribs and in the ear,…
Oh yes, did you see page 3 today? Arey the look on her face I tell you, it’s fishy… Check their picture, she looks so disconnected… See her face, there is something going on between them iI tell you… Hahaha, so we all love gossip at some point in time.…
The festive season is around the corner and there comes the need to clean up the house. The first thing that comes in mind is cleaning of curtains and carpets along with cleaning the almirahs and cupboards. However, regular carpet cleaning is extremely important when it comes to maintaining a…
August is an auspicious month so let’s find out what august holds this year. August the 8th month of the calendar is full of festivals and celebrations. In India which is traditionally strong and culturally diverse country, August holds an important place. Along with celebrating India’s Freedom with 73rd Independence…
Yes, guys the most awaited Dineout’s GIRF is back from 1st august 1st September. Get ready for #Monthofmore and explore your city for your favorite food. Calling all my lovely foodie friends. Be part of this yummy festival as there is entertainment, there is food, there is music and it’s…
Let’s meet Sister Sudha who is yet another wonderful positve human sharing happiness on this Earth. Who’s Sister Sudha? Sister Sudha Varghese is a social worker and Catholic nun in India. She has devoted herself to the Musahar, the Dalit of Bihar and Uttar Pradesh. one of the very lowest…
He wasn’t a hero neither was he any zero He’s one who’s name I bear, He’s the one who gave me my features. I have his glimpse says all to me, But i still miss that look like me. When some one talks about it, I miss that face…
Monsoon once again! Monsoon Magic, reminds me of the story of Vrishti, vrishti means rain and she was born on the day when it poured heavily that day. The story of a girl or maybe every girl who when becomes a mother takes life differently. It’s a circle of life…
Power of Yoga and Mantras or shlokas The International Day of Yoga has been celebrated annually on 21 June since 2015, following its inception in the United Nations General Assembly in 2014. Yoga is a physical, mental and spiritual practice that originated in India. As it’s become a tradition, many…
“Mango” a juice fruit of tropical trees. It is the national fruit of our India our dear Bharat, and king of all fruits . So what better way to start #BharatKaZaika with this yummy, tasty, juicy, sweet and tasty fruit of Bharat. My Mango love #Madeinbharat with pride and exported…
“Through the dark night chasing the morning light That headlight streaming white through the night” ― Richard L. Ratliff There is something alluring and captivating about this man in black. I looked at him searchingly, he paused to look at it again. Let me tell a tale about this mysterious…
Project Why In December 2018 when I first posted and joined PROJECT WHY circle via Damyanti, I didn’t know it will give me such a platform to help virtually too. It’s been years I left Delhi and feel bad that had I been there I would have certainly gone there…
Happy 2019 Back from a winter vacation long break, and getting back to routine is not easy. House needs special attention, cleaning, organizing, dusting. Wardrobes are calling me for arranging them, the kitchen is calling me for washing, cleaning, re-arranging, etc, the lawn is calling me for nurturing and suddenly…
The endless road The soaring mission She has to walk this path To prove her ambition Need to reach destination Before its intermission She has given the auditions The hills are also giving permission She know that in present position Life won’t be same beyond the horizon But life is…