
  • Let's join Renu #ProjectWhyDelhi #GivingTuesday

    It’s Thankful Tuesday togetherness when some of us bloggers are joining together for a cause: supporting the Project Why Women’s Centre at Madanpur Khadar, New Delhi via the Giving Tuesday Initiative, a global giving movement. WHAT is PROJECT WHY Project WHY is a flagship program of Sri Ram Goburdhun Charitable…

  • Lesser of Two Evils

    At crossroads between two bad choices, but have to make a choice whatsoever. Given two choices, but they are both bad, so the one which is less bad is considered the lesser of two evils. Ever had to make such a choice?? Yes! Life does give us all kinds of…

  • One Too Many

    The idiom is usually used in context with the consumption of alcoholic beverages. But as I’m not drunk right now so will relate it too blogging journey only. How? Well, Will be writing a bit about having ONE or TOO MANY blogs. Yes since I am not drunk so lets blog…

  • My AtoZ – 2018 Reflections of the great writing month.

    MY first time with A to Z challenge. The theme is about posting daily for each 26 alphabets A to Z. Was not sure of the theme but then chose the Panch tattvas and other natural resources which are part of us and inspire us daily. My Theme for AtoZ…

  • Z is for zoo

    A place where live animals are kept, studied, bred, and exhibited to the public. A backyard zoo. Let plastic animals (or the stuffed variety if you have enough) take center stage in your backyard zoo. Create habitats and dreamy enclosures for your animal inhabitants. animal park or menagerie A place…

  • Y for Yes

    Y for yes Say yes to conservation say yes to better environment say yes to recycle and reuse say yes to wildlife Say and make nature a big part of your life say yes and don’t use plastic say yes and save trees say yes to water conservation say yes…

  • X for xeriscape

    Merriam Websters dictionary says – Definition of xeriscape : a landscaping method developed especially for arid and semiarid climates that utilizes water-conserving techniques (such as the use of drought-tolerant plants, mulch, and efficient irrigation)     Xeriscaping refers to the conservation of water through creative landscaping. It was developed for…

  • W for Water

    Water is the source of life – and it flows within all of us. 70% of the earth is water and the same goes for the human body. Water a very important element for survival. In its gentle and natural form, is necessary for life. It’s the life force. It has the…

  • V vegetation, valley

    Valley is an area of low land between two mountains or hills, which generally has a river flowing through it. Valleys are one of the most common landforms on the Earth They are caused by natural forces like erosion or earthquake. A river valley is usually V-shaped giant valleys are…

  • U is for Universe

    The universe is infinite and we are part of this wonderful universe. The 5 basic elements or Panch tattvas are part of this universe, this nature. there are millions of unanswered questions about the infinite universe, yet it amazes us. Is there another life, is there another planet with humans,…

  • T is for Trees

     Trees our very own natural green source of life on earth. It’s nature’s greatest gift to humankind. Trees are our best friends. Have you ever spoken to a tree, try, its stress reliever. Every part of the tree is important be it Leaves, Fruits, roots, wood, bark etc. Wood is…

  • J is for Jungle

    The deep, dense, dark, holding so many secrets which are still unexplored. The word jungle originates from the Sanskrit word Jangla meaning uncultivated land. Jungles cover a major part of national parks and sanctuaries which are protecting and taking care of endangered and other animals, birds, reptiles, flora, fauna etc.…

  • PraGunTatwa


    Nature is canvas, random are thoughts. Straight & honest is the soul. It’s all an art. -PraGun “Namaskar” 🙏🏼 Welcome to Pragun Tatwa – An Indian blogzine by an Indian og Mommy blogger. We women adorn many hats being in the role of a female. Creating endless roles. I started…