Welcome to the Author Interview series hosted by Pragun and Suhasini. The Author duo are conducting the Author interview series for the Ebooks launched through Blogchatter Ebook program.
- 1st interview – Abhjit ray author of “Desert Plant”
- 2nd interview – Meena Chatty author of “Starlit Sky”
Next in the series is Author Pratibha @Myepica. Since I am myself a nature lover and firm believer of Panchtatwas/ 5 elements and connecting with nature and
Our Author Pratibha is a
Let’s find out what Pratibha has to say about her book.
Us: What inspired you to start blogging?
Pratibha: What inspired me was the fact that eight years ago, I ago discovered the world of Eco-parenting. To put it in simpler words, discovering a life that was free from chemicals. A chance visit to a store acquainted me to chemical-free products. I was blissfully unaware that a world like that existed. And the next thing I knew was I was looking up more into ways that could help me reduce my carbon footprint on the earth. It also made me realize that like me there were many people and parents out there who were unaware of the perils of using such products.
My blog started as a medium to chronicle my understandings so that like-minded parents could read up as well and benefit from it. As my boys grew up, I moved my focus to sustainable living that a family could adopt as well.
Us: Can you please describe your blogging journey so far? And who are your biggest supporters?
Pratibha: My blogging journey has been fun! I never realized that there were so many things that one could explore when moving to sustainable living and the best part was it was all very do-able. It
My biggest supporters are all those who follow me 🙂
Us: How it feels like to be called as “Author”
Pratibha: Honestly, this is my 4th e-book. One of my e-books is also available on Amazon Kindle. But then every book has its high! And this was no less. I knew that parents want to know more about eco-friendly parenting and sifting through the 500 odd posts in my blog can be cumbersome, so I chose to handpick just those posts that a new parent can use to know more about eco-friendly parenting. I guess with my experience in eco friendly parenting; I have always felt a strong responsibility to let others know that there is a world free from chemicals and thus this book was written. A mini introduction to create awareness about eco-friendly living.
Us: What is the key learning for you from this Blogger to Author journey?
Pratibha: One of the major learning’s when you transition from a blogger to an author is the audience. I know that my blog has a set of regular audience since it is a niche one. When you move to the role of an author, the audience reach changes too. I see a wider reach in comparison to a blog.
Plus when you interact with other authors and BlogChatter makes it a carnival; you are assured that you are noticed. I have to admit that I have been super low key when it comes to visibility because I haven’t promoted it as much I would have liked to! A blog is more of a personal opinion; while a book is a more focused and formal sort of a thing. Rather than have someone sift through 500 odd posts, I am giving the information right here in one place.
Us: Do you want to share any future plans for your blog and books with us?
Pratibha: Yes! I plan to self-publish it on Kindle soon! That will probably
Us: How is your overall feeling on Blogchatter’s Carnival and what are your recommendations on the same for other bloggers
Pratibha: It’s been truly wonderful reading an assortment of books! The carnival has introduced me to many bloggers and authors as well that I have begun to follow. It is a really good platform to not in learn more.
My recommendation is to just get out of your comfort zone! A lot of times I know I have these zillion ideas popping up in my mind. Most of the times, I write them down, but most of the times I also tend to miss what I had jotted down and I have no idea if I may gunned down some stellar posts that could have seen the light of the day. As bloggers, we also influence the lives of other people and the only thing I always stress on is that if you have the power, do so judiciously. Blogchatter is a wonderful medium that helps bloggers believe in their potential and if you are a part of the team, make full use of it! 😉

So, Friends, this is the short interview of our well – known blogger friend Pratibha. You can read her much acclaimed Eco-Baby care and Green Parenting book by clicking here.
My co-host
Happy Blogging & Green Living
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