August 2019 had been awesome, eventive, historic and memorable in more than one ways. Along with celebrating the awesomeness of August on this Independence day let’s be little more aware and more concerned. Abhiyan for Jal Shakti has been launched and we need to spread the awareness.
August became more awesome when PM modi shared his nature conservation views
with the world on the show – Man Vs Wild and in Independance day speech.
- A major show telecasted on 12th august where our dear PM NAMO made one record for bear Grylls. He became the first PM who did this show – Man vs Wild while holding a PM position, and the second world leader after then US President Barack Obama to feature on this hit show where the host takes viewers on a wild journey into nature reserves.
What makes this show awesome for me as I am a firm beliver of Modiji’s thoughts about conservation of natural resources. Futhermore, Modiji had won The Champion Of Earth Award from the United Nations and therefore believed strongly in protecting the environment.
PM Modi stated his views and stressed on how We have to protect the environment. Together we have to do it. Protecting the world the environment, nature is the key responsibility of all the citizens of this Earth.
Modi ji says Nature is our friend and we should never be in conflict with it. Completely agree that we need to stay connected and in accordance with nature and should never try to fight it and try to co-exist with nature. Modiji has again and again stressed the importance of spreading awareness on environmental conservation and climate change.
Points to ponder
He shared the Indian traditional values and protecting the rich wildlife and natural resources. I as an eco blogger firmly believe in eco freindly practices. Also, I equally believe in balancing the panchtatwas of nature and keeping a connection with nature and natural resources too. Modiji shared his concrens on renewable energy, climate changes, and protecting our planet Earth.
This show was a great message to everyone especially the youth of today as environmental conservation is the need of the hour and it becomes important for us to save Earth and this beautiful planet for the future generations to come.
I as an eco mom and blogger take the pledge to support this cause in my best possible way to conserve natural resources and keep doing my tiny steps to help save water. We Indians have some traditional ways to protect and save water and we need to work onthem now and follw them wisely.
I love my planet, therefore, it’s my duty towards mother Earth to conserve its resources for future genrations to come. In other words, We all as citizens need to be eco-conscious as it is we who have done the damage to the beauty of mother Earth and now it’s high time we take steps to repair and conserve it. However, I wish to transform people’s lives with Green messages and awareness through PraGunTatwa which works for balancing the natural tatwas of nature.
Today in independence day speech also the stree of PM modiji was on conservation of Water. Also, Hon’ble Prime Minister of India, Shri @narendramodi from the ramparts of the Red Fort, announced the launch of the Jal Jeevan Mission that will aim to provide piped drinking water to every household in the near future.
My simple steps will be 
- reuse the water which we used for washing vegetables and fruits and pulses etc
- Resue the water which flows from RO pipe in washing cars or clothes
- Have rain water harvesting plans in whcivever way possible in your homes.
- Instead of flowing tap or shower use busket and mug.
- Take Shorter Showers
- Put a glass bottle filled with water in toilet faucet, this way it will release less water at flushes.
- Reuse the boiled veggies, paste, noodles water
- Immediately repair any leakages
- The drain water from your washing machines can be used to clean outside road, or even in flushing the toilets
- Put a nozzle on your garden pipe to control the flow
- try to water plants early in themorning whendew is also fresh
- Invest in water-efficient goods like showers, taps, dishwashers, etc.
- Don’t Let the Faucet Run While You Clean Vegetables
- Don’t Run the Hose While Washing Your Car
- Use a Broom, Not a Hose, to Clean Driveways and Sidewalks
- Reuse Wastewater Where Possible
Above all, We need to look for methods to reduce the carbon footprint and begin working and using easily available things that can make life greener, simpler, healthier and better. I support #JanShakti4JalShakti and pledge to save even a drop of water. Water is precious and a natural gift to us. Preserve, Conserve and work towards a better and greener tomorrow. I am just another girl, a citizen of Bharat, trying to go green wherever and however much is possible with my small and mini steps.
Don’t forget to read my post on auspicious august.
with inputs from Jal shakti abhiyan portal.
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