A road less traveled #writephoto

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The endless road
The soaring mission
She has to walk this path
To prove her ambition
Need to reach destination
Before its intermission
She has given the auditions
The hills are also giving permission
She know that in present position
Life won’t be same beyond the horizon
But life is all about recognition
She will surely lead in this condition
It’s all about little addition and edition.
The valleys are in juxtaposition
She has taken nature’s transition
Even the nature has given recognition
To be part of iron woman competition
This post is written for Sue Vincent’s Thursday photograph challenge.
Join in here: thursday-photo-prompt and read other beautiful tales.
Linking with #MondayMusings

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8 Responses

  1. ladyfi says:

    Lovely shot and description!

  2. Vinitha says:

    What a gorgeous shot! And I loved the accompanying lines too. 🙂

  3. Anagha Yatin says:

    Fell in love with this thought… “It’s all about little addition and edition”. This sentence delivers a punch that is gentle enough to mark its presence and strong enough to linger in mind space for long.
    Profound and so very motivating, encouraging and full of positivity.

  1. 13th December 2018

    […] Pragun’s Blogazine […]

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