Rethink before you buy Reuse before you throw Refuse what you don’t need Reduce what is of no use Recycle creatively Repurpose thoughtfully Wrapping Up Season 3 of Green Tatwa Talks 🎙🌍 It fills me with immense joy to celebrate the conclusion of another impactful season of Green Tatwa Talks,…
Be Water-Wise There are many things that you can do to reduce your water footprint. The first is as easy as taking shorter showers. You can also use a dishwasher and clothes washer more efficiently. Next, you should also try to use less water when doing the dishes or watering…
World Whale Day reminds us of the challenges faced in our oceans across the globe. Observed annually on the third Sunday in February, World Whale Day celebrates these noble sea mammals. World Whale Day is celebrated to raise awareness and appreciation for whales and their conservation. World Whale Day is…
“Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.” Conserve water. – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi Summers are nearing and so is there an increase in the water intake. Most Indian homes use RO water purifiers, but have you ever noticed the water wastage caused due…
8 June marks the day for World Oceans Day. The theme for World Oceans Day 2021 is “The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods”. Today is the need to Conserve Oceans and its life. They are beautiful and are home to many marine creatures and lives. The oceans are home to most…
“Thousands have lived without love, not one without water.” -W.H.Auden How Conscious Are You About Saving Water Is Bound To Make An Impact In Your life? How many can say yes I’m? Well, March 22 is World Water Day, also, the International Day of Action for Rivers was on March 14.…
Water oh Water! We need to preserve you, my dear… Look that water flowing from the RO pipe, Oh! I can clean and wash my porch with it too. I just washed veggies can I reuse it too, Yes yes! It’s good for plants and gardens too. Boiled…
Water-Wind-Mountain and Woman Am I like everything or something around me. I find the woman within me flowing like water furious like wind strong like wall framed like window warm like blanket I was reading this quote when I was sitting beside the Window near the Wall. Suddenly the wind…
Aristotle said: “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.” We all have habits, they say Habit never goes. If you remove ‘H’, ‘A Bit‘ remains and if you remove ‘A’, ‘Bit‘ remains. And when you further remove ‘B’, ‘It’ still remains. Let’s…
There is joy in giving, it gives satisfaction, it gives immense pleasure. My experience with this positive attitude is enormous and has experienced it many times. One such incidence dates back many years back. My dad had a spinal cord injury and for the treatment, he had shifted to Port…
Okay, so the child in me has decided to write this letter to my child… Hello and loads of hugs my rainbow of life, my sunshine, my sun-shower, and my lifeline. How are you, my boys? hope to find you in a healthy and happy spirit {I know you are…
Coffee Cookies Tea-Cake with you All this happened when we were having coffee virtually in our own time zones and own global difference. We realized a connect was there and when we chatted and exchanged talks, the blocks kept on falling in places. We may be distance apart but sometimes…
Namaskar readers 8 years ago, I decided to write my first online digital post online. It was also the day my second bundle of joy was born. So, basically I decided to be the mom of my blog and baby both the same day. I was clueless about the basic…
Let’s meet Iron man & karmveer – Praveen Tewatia. A true inspiration, Shaurya Chakra and former Marine commando. A braveheart who took four bullets during the 26/11 Mumbai operation in the Taj Mahal Hotel in Mumbai in November 2008. The bullet hit the Chest, lung, Ribs and in the ear,…