Tree Love February 2025

“The tree is more than first a seed, then a stem, then a living trunk, and then dead timber. The tree is a slow, enduring force straining to win the sky.”

― Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

Tree love has always been a part of me. Wherever I go, I find myself admiring—and sometimes secretly talking to—the trees around me.

Recently, I visited a beautiful property near Haryana and was mesmerized by the trees planted there. I couldn’t resist capturing the same tree both during the day and at night.

While clicking these pictures, I noticed people staring at me, wondering why I was randomly photographing trees. Some even asked if the guards or locals might take offense. But for me, it was all about appreciating the beauty of these majestic trees—the old ones with their quiet wisdom and the new ones bursting with life.

To anyone I may have unintentionally offended, I sincerely apologize. Rest assured, I didn’t take photos of any humans (though I must say, the trees and a few lively dogs nearby felt just as alive).

A heartfelt thanks to the owner of this property for nurturing these trees and keeping them vibrant. It’s rare to see such care in preserving nature’s wonders.

As Albert Schweitzer beautifully said:
“Never say there is nothing beautiful in the world anymore. There is always something to make you wonder in the shape of a tree, the trembling of a leaf.”

“The trees encountered on a country stroll

Reveal a lot about that country’s soul…

A culture is no better than its woods.”

― W.H.Auden

Moreover, I’m sharing my #TreeLove with the #Thursday Tree Love blog hop, a photo feature hosted by Parul Thakur. A post to make us aware of the trees around us. Do you love Trees? Do you love knowing more about trees? Explore the trees in your neighborhood and join Tree Love.
Additionally, I am linking this to #SkywatchFriday— a “not for profit, not for awards” fun place to post and link from, where you will find some amazing sky photographs worldwide. You might also like to see my Tree Love in these Tree Posts:

🌿 Prachi The Tatwa Girl shares stories inspired by the five elements:

  • Agni (Fire): Recipes & culinary creations, inspired by Agni’s energy and lifeforce.
  • Vayu (Air): Festivals, culture, & traditions, everything around us like beliefs and mythology.
  • Aakash (Sky): Travel tales under infinite skies, and my journey experiences.
  • Jal (Water): Flowing thoughts & emotions, like water are my flow of thoughts.
  • Prithvi (Earth): Eco-friendly living & sustainability, and harmony of our greener planet.

🎙 Green Tatwa Talks: Explore sustainable practices & inspiring Green Warriors on my podcast!
📌 Follow me on LinkedIn, Instagram, & FaceBook, PragunTatwa Feed for more eco-friendly stories.
🌳 Did you hug a tree today? Let’s spread Tree Love!

One response to “Tree Love February 2025”

  1. Archana avatar

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