Sabudana Wada

Sabudana Wada is popular fasting food.

Each lunar month of the Hindu calendar has two Chaturthi Tithis. The one that falls after Purnimasi or full moon during Krishna Paksha is known as Sankashti Chaturthi or Sankathara Chaturthi, and the one that falls after Amavasya or new moon day during Shukla Paksha is known as Vinayaka Chaturthi. There are 12 Sankashti Chaturthi fasts in the year. They are mainly observed in Western and Southern India especially in Maharashtra.

This tithi, known as Krishnapingala Sankashti Chaturthi, falls on the full moon day of the Ashadha month of the Hindu calendar.  Today marks this auspicious day, celebrated to worship Lord Ganesha. It is believed that observing this fast reduces problems in one’s life as Lord Ganesha symbolizes the removal of all obstacles and he is the supreme lord of intelligence. Before moonlight, the Ganapati Atharvasheersha is recited to appease and seek the blessings of Lord Ganesha.

The staple Indian diet on this day comprises peanuts, potatoes, and sabudana, so I decided to make sabudana wada. We can make Sabudana wada, sabudana khichri, sabudana kheer, etc. with Sabudana or Sago. It’s a good snack option also and tastes best with curd/ dahi and mungfali chutney.

Sabudana Wada

Ingredients for Sabudana Wada

  • 1 cup sabudana/ sago
  • 3 to 4 medium potatoes/aloo (boiled)
  • ½ cup peanuts/mungphali coarsely ground in the mixer after roasting
  • 1 tbsp cumin seeds/jeera (optional)
  • 1-2 green chilies finely chopped
  • 1 tsp finely chopped ginger/adrak
  • 1 tbsp lime juice (optional)
  • few chopped coriander leaves/dhania (optional)
  • sendha namak/ rock salt
  • ghee/ oil for frying

INSTRUCTIONS to make Sabudana Wada

  • First, soak the sabudana say 2 cups for at least 5 hours or overnight so it becomes soft till morning.
  • Drain excess water if there, probably the water is all soaked up by sabudana.
  • Now take a plate, mash the boiled potatoes, and add them with sabudana.
  • Add salt, ginger, chilies, lemon juice, coriander leaves, and groundnut powder to sabudana and potato and mix them properly. Maharashtrians love to add 1 tsp sugar also in it but it’s optional to your taste. It’s called -‘chav’ i.e. taste.
  • Now take a big spoonful of this mixture on your palm and roll it like a tikki
  • Similarly, deep fry all the Sabudana wadas one by one untill they turn golden brown in a properly heated oil. You can even air fry them if you don’t want to oil fry them.
  • Serve the vada with Green chutney and curd.

A few important points for sabudana wada recipe:

  • Also known as Sabudana Sago or even Tapioca pearls.
  • It should not be hard before cooking, needs proper soaking. Once you buy sabudana do check a spoonful for an hour as sometimes sago is so hard it doesn’t soften, so it differs from quality to quality of the sabudana crop.
  • Maybe If by any chance your vada’s are not taking proper shape and are splitting then add 3 tbsp of kuttu atta/ buckwheat and try again as this atta helps in binding the sabudana mixture.

Prachi The Tatwa Girl

Food Tattva is all about the food element. Sharing my culinary journey, and kitchen experiments that are related to the Agni/ Fire category on my blog. Don’t forget to hug a tree and learn more about the Trees around you on Tree Talks.

Do check out Sustainability with Prachi for a sustainable lifestyle and eco-friendly living ideas. Know about some awesome Green Warriors in the Green Tatwa Talks series.

Sustainability With Prachi

Today I was blessed to seek Lord Ganesha’s Blessings when I got an opportunity to go On Air on All India Radio AIR FM Rainbow and be a guest speaker for the topic – Sustainability Do’s and Dont’s.




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1 Response

  1. 22nd April 2019

    […] For sabudana wada click here […]

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