How writing became my ikigai

I’ve been writing since I was 8, but I didn’t get any visible benefits from it for years. As I was just writing it in my personal diary. Now writing is my ikigai, my passion, my part-time profession, my support.

My blog is my ikigai since it was born & came into existence. I live with it, love it, learn from it, nurture it and grow with it.
“IKIGAI” In Japanese means the reason to get up in the morning, a reason to live for something that encompasses your joy or purpose of being. Ikigai is such a wonderful word it’s a reason to enjoy life. Your reason for being, “thing that you live for”, the source of value in one’s life.

Writing, Write, Person, Paperwork, Paper, Notebook

When do we write?

People say they don’t know how to write but we have been writing all our life and many out of them have made a career out of it like courses and seminars etc. –

  • Remember, in school/ college, we had written notes, essays, assignments. I had always loved to make notes with colored pens and pencils.
  • Also, at a job, we had alI written bio-data, tried to be creative with it, we had tried our hands at persuasive cover letters.
  • Those who are working are obviously writing, we had written mails, presentations, even projects.
  • And When weblog, We have our own writing space, we try and write as many posts as we can. And this when you get identified because of your words only.
So, Writing is one of the few skills in life that everyone can benefit from.

What kept me writing all these years I don’t remember, but now it has many reasons and I’m sure many of my bloggers and readers can well connect to it. But now in the present date writing sure is my ikigai.

Woman, Typing, Writing, Macbook, Notebook, Computer

How writing became my ikigai?

Writing improves knowledge
Once you read and write it certainly helps improve your own knowledge. Translating your thoughts into words is a powerful tool. When you write every day, you get habitual of writing and you become more aware of your thoughts and expressions. More you write and read more you retain and that increases your knowledge in return. Reading other bloggers, articles is a valuable addition to your knowledge that you can further share.

Writing is like a therapy to me
We all think, sometimes we do excessive thinking and it’s a blank at times. But when you are able to put your thoughts into words, it is satisfaction beyond words. I had followed writing even when I feel afraid, or angry or even confused. So, when you write down what is in your mind, whether it is good or bad, or scary or fear, once you pour it on paper or notepad you will automatically find a solution or at least work on a solution. But you need to write those things down first and then it turns out therapeutic.

Writing help improve our discipline
Writing when becomes a habitual and daily affair, one gets disciplined. We have to regularly update, write, share, comment, participate and this regularity brings the self-discipline in the life of a blogger. The discipline, regularity, and punctuality will later give inner satisfaction. When you write every day, you are working on your discipline, your routine, your habits.

Words are the best tool
Your words and post are the ways with which you can convince or influence your reader. You become a better influencer with your words.

Helps Better thinking
when you write more you become better and improved in your thinking.

Ways to begin writing?

Here are the few tips to begin writing:

  1. Read, Read & Read more
    Read other blogs, take an idea, understand the writing style. Comment, interact and engage. Read blogs, books, papers to increase knowledge and information.
  2. Make it a daily habit
    It is very important to have a routine for writing.
  3. Have a aim/ objective/ goal
    Pick a goal/ topic, a reason to write. Prompts or phot are always a good way to start, I look over my window and nature always inspires me to write.
  4. Take notes throughout the day
    Refer my post on the mind’s diary here to take notes and never miss them. Because an idea can pop anytime, what if you are in the market and you run into a good idea, just make a note of it.
  5. Have your platform or space online
    Wordpress, Blogspot, Tumblr, choose any platform and start writing, begin interacting and learn for others.
  6. Have your own space and time
    A space that is your workstation, that gives you the “ME” time just to write. That’s all.
And finally, you will see yourself in the light of a writer’s life.

two white tea light candlesIf you write, you’re a writer. Look for reasons to write from anything around you, click pictures and write about it, everything you see if it correlates to your blog or writing then here you go.

So who are you or I must ask How creative are you?? Do you have moods beyond control, moods that take you to write and change the world? How mad are you, and how true to yourself are you?? It’s all about starting which is important. And then don’t stop to 2-3 days it should be a continuous process so keep going and find reasons to write. So don’t just start, Keep it going.

This is how writing became my ikigai and I’m always wherever I am looking for reasons to write and bring a change in someone’s life and also try to bring a balance in the 5 elements i.e. panchtatwas of our life, of nature and body too.

I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s #MyFriendAlexa. This is my Water post which includes musings and thoughts about blogging.



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201 Responses

  1. Trapti says:

    Writing is a skill that we have to achieve by practicing daily.

    Writing is not possible without reading if you seriously want to give full knowledge to your readers.

    Unique ideas come to our mind when we take time to think about a particular topic.

  2. So true!! Loved the way you wrote the article!

  3. like the way you connect your personal with the general experiences of readers here from #MyFriendAlexa

  4. Srishti says:

    I started writing on my blog 11 months ago. So I am not an expert for sure but yes I also had a diary, and wrote assignments, presentations in school and resume for job.
    Great tips on how to improve writing. And one tip which I strictly agree is read and read more. Great post:)

  5. Supriti says:

    This is amaziNg
    The benefits of writing are multifold. For me it was a way to get out-of my post partum depression n since thenB there has been no looking back. U rightly said, we have some writer in all of us and it just takes an initial realization and an initial push

  6. Writing is therapeutic for me. It heals me.

  7. Richa MIna says:

    First thanks for adding a new word Ikigai & second i loved the way you’ve covered different aspects of writing and tips to improve it. I totally loved the post.

  8. Completely agree with everything you have written. I started writing stories when I was 10, and since then it has been my escape and solace. Although I haven’t done any creative writing in a long time, your post has made me want to grab my journal right this instant and write a story or poem 🙂

  9. I have read so many content about the blogger lovers however
    this paragraph is genuinely a good paragraph, keep it up.

  10. I truely agree with you. For me writing was a gateway to my monotonous life & my way to express myself.

  11. Rashi Roy says:

    Indeed, could very well relate to your post. Writing to me at times is like a therapy.

  12. Asfa says:

    Writting for me is therapeutic, it a way I vent out my emotions be it happy or sad, it liberate me.

  13. Nitya says:

    I can relate to this story.. But my writing journey started with sufferings.. Those sufferings made me write

  14. A beautiful correlation between writing and the concept of Ikigai. Indeed the first step to writing is always read, read and read.

  15. judy morris says:

    So true we all have stories about how some of us turned our love to do a certain thing into a profession. great to know about your journey as a writer.

  16. Brinda says:

    This is such an appropriate post to start of with My Friend Alexa! Thanks for the writing hints.

  17. Shalini says:

    I think almost all the bloggers can relate to your post. Bogging, thereby, writing has become my passion and I don’t know what I would do without it. Happy Alexa!

  18. I can relate to your post completely. Been a writer all my life. Sometimes I get up in the middle of the night to pen my thoughts. I write down what I wish to express to people. Writing comes like a flow, sometimes speaking my mind is tough but never writing. Kudos, loved your post.

  19. I agree with you. Writing gives us a window to explore the world put it in our words. Nice article 👍


  20. What a post PraGun! Was hooked to it.Inspired to write more.Will follow your articles.

  21. I agree absolutely. Writing gets me excited. When the muse strikes and a good idea is born I can’t wait to put it down. Reading a good book is pleasurable too of course but writing has the added high of having created something.

    Good luck with Alexa 🙂

  22. Hey, it’s a wonderful blog post about taking the writing to the ikigai level. I even liked your suggestions on ‘how to begin writing?’ Thanks for sharing. Keep it up

  23. Hi Pragun, the metaphor you selected ( Ikigai) to explain your passion for writing says it all. Anyone passionate about writing will relate to every word in your post. Though I am not a natural or an accomplished writer like you but I found my own reasons to write / blog and in the best possible way I can. It’s a wonderful post you have written and anyone aspiring to write could derive so much inspiration from your post. Thoroughly enjoyed reading it 🙂

  24. Pragun you are one of the best writer / blogger of our time

    I loke your style

    I am kindda fan of you.

    And yes that is an excellent post

    I loved it

  25. Suha Vijay says:

    I could really relate to your post completely. Writing is like a therapy for me

  26. kushal says:

    Very Well expressed….and ur tips for new writers are v helpful…Enjoyed reading.. 🙂

  27. abhijit says:

    I loved this post. I started writing some ten years before. Sometimes regularly at other times not so regular. I had no specific topic. I was not a specialist in any area. I wrote on what stirred me at any given time. Blogging has not given me anything material. But blogging has given me something more. That is happiness, a sense of freedom. Writing is like a journey in an unexplored territory. It has excitement and anticipation. Ability to arrange thoughts and come up with a coherent structure gives a sense of satisfaction and joy.

    • Thanks for liking, and so glad to know blogging has given you happiness, yes writing gives freedom of expression in your own way.
      Your writing is very nice and this comment is proof, you write so well I have always liked your posts.

  28. Ruchi Verma says:

    I really love the meaning of ikigai…and believe in the same we should follow our dreams and passion towards achieving our goals. I too used to make notes with colorful pens and pencils..

  29. Writing is therapeutic for sure. I like how you made it your ikegai!

  30. Ninu Nair says:

    Writing used to be my Ikigai but over the years, it seems to be slipping out. Your post made me nostalgic about those days of maintaining a journal religiously and writing randomly but regularly. Hope to get back that charm someday! Thanks for the post. #thatchedroofreads #MyFriendAlexa

  31. Suchita Agarwal says:

    First up love the concept of your post that writing is your Ikigai – that title in itself really intrigued me. And loved the points you mentioned on how you can become a writer – especially 2 and 3 – daily habit and objective. These 2 are crucial to becoming a writer.

  32. Matheikal says:

    Good suggestions especially for novices.

  33. Sarah says:

    Definitely one of the best ways to be a good writer is to read more and more I love reading all your tips and it was so insightful .

  34. Sushmita says:

    This is such a delightful post to read. My blog is my ikigai.

    And to write well, you have to read a lot. I loved this post! 🙂

  35. There are plenty of things to take away from this blog. Starting from the word IKIGAI you have explained how writing regularly can be therapeutic and instil discipline. Thoroughly enjoyed reading this.

  36. My ikigai is to create and solve puzzles and I have a blog dedicated to puzzles. Thanks for this wonderful article.

  37. Wow! I think ikigai should be in every writer’s dictionary. And what lovely tips to those who want to write. Loved it! I can quote your piece for all I ever want to say.

  38. I totally understand where you are coming from. Writing can be therapeutic. I looked up the Japanese term Ikigai which can be associated with secret to a long and happy life and I totally agree with you.

  39. I started writing two years back and it was a catharsis for me. I cannot agree more that its a therapy. Could relate to your journey Pragun.

  40. Ritu says:

    Writing is as much about reading. You have some excellent pointers here.

  41. How very interesting! Writing is my outlet too. However, it has manifested into more gyan sharing and less personal.

  42. How very interesting! Writing is my outlet too. However, it has manifested into more gyan sharing and less personal.
    All the best,
    Surbhi #surreads

  43. Touche! This is exactly my story. I have struggled with my circumstances and found solace in writing! Grateful for your wonderful post!

  44. Ghazala Naseem says:

    Could connect with you on this , writing is also my passion and gives a feeling of satisfaction and happiness which can not be expressed in words.

  45. Pratibha says:

    For some people, it is easy to know what resonates with them or what calls out to them. Actually I am reading this book Ikigai as I type this comment. It looked like an interesting concept and your post gave loads of clarity on how one can understand what their true calling is!
    #myepicareads #MyFriendAlexa

  46. Hey Pragun,

    I loved your post because somewhere around I take my writing as my IKIGAI. Writing had always been passion too. Even I used to write in my diary when I was the kid But then there no one who was interested in reading what I write, what I think. But now, thankfully, we have so many likeminded people in our society who loves reading what we write.

    Lots of best wishes to your blog and writing.


    • Thanks for appreciating
      You wrote my mind, in the diary the writing don’t get readers, but today blogging has given our thoughts wings to fly and reach more people.
      Happy Blogging, keep writing

  47. Agree with every word you have said. Writing is my stress buster, my happiness!! You might want to read a post I wrote recently,
    Loved your post!!

  48. I think writing has helped me rediscover myself.Discipline is easily the most important thing when it comes to.doing anything well.Great post.

  49. Woah 🙂 Simple posts are the best way to connect with your readers 🙂
    Blogging became my ikigai and later on, writing came into existence. I felt connected to this post. I love the way you write and convey messages through your articles dear! Read the #apacktoshare story too!
    #MyFriendAlexa #vigorousreads

  50. Reading and Writing evolves with continuous practice. I feel I communicate better while writing sometimes. You have shared some great points.

  51. Your post made me think that my blog used to be the reason to wake up and write. Over the years, my work has turned into my ikigai followed by my passion for blogging and writing.

    I am glad that writing makes you wake up daily with a fresh thought to write upon.

  52. Succinctly put! We all have a sweet spot and retreat from everyday chaos. Writing is indeed a wonderful place to be to escape the mundane!

  53. This is a very well written post about writing. Great work, keep it up

  54. Vashi says:

    I could connect to your blog post so much. Ever since i remember i have been writing. Specially in the times there’s a boulder in my heart’s cathartic and with a blog now its a way of life.loved it

  55. FabZania says:

    Nicely written post. Writing needs a lot of reading first. Well explained.

  56. Tina says:

    Hi Pragun! Such a relatable post and I could identify with all that you wrote as a fellow writer. What a beautiful ode to writing!

  57. I believe writing comes naturally to a few and others have to practise before they become master in the art. I am glad you have picked up this to share the love of writing and reading among us. Happy Alexa season to you.

  58. Urvashi says:

    I couldn’t stop myself. I had to like share follow all at once because I relate to you and feel every word you wrote. Lively and positive is right to describe it. #damurureads

  59. Woww this got to learn alot from this post especially the word ikigai for passion i get to know

  60. The more well read we are the better we can express through our writing. Thanks for sharing this.#MyFriendAlexa #CloudandSunshineReads

  61. well said Writing is very therapeutic for me as well. I love to write small poems when in school and now I love to write a lot other things as well on my blog.

  62. PRB says:

    Thanks for writing such a lovely post on ikigai and writing!

  63. Well said, writing is my “Ikigai” too… 🙂 and definitely to keep writing – we have to read, read, read all the time…

  64. Kavita Singh says:

    I have learned such a beautiful and new word today, Ikigai. Writing is my passion too and I have noticed I love to write more when I am high on emotions. The perpetual link between pen and paper always amazes me.

  65. Pooja says:

    I could relate to this on so many levels. I knew writing was something that I enjoy and that I wanted to make that as my career. The fact that I realised this at an early age helped.

  66. anupriya says:

    i agree with you that we have been writing in one form or the other all our life and to write a good piece of anything required craft and to attain perfection in any craft one requires practice . So yes, one has to write, and write regularly to keep the skill polished and in usable form. enjoyed reading your post #myfriendAlexa

  67. Noor Anand Chawla says:

    Writing is surely cathartic. I agree with all the tips you have given here. It must be made a daily habit.

  68. Loved your post. Writing indeed helps a person to a great extent. I loved the tips you have mentioned here. Very helpful! #ShubhraReads

  69. Neha Jain says:

    Writing is indeed a wonderful way of connecting with yourself and with the world. I am an accidental mom blogger and wrote my first post to share my motherhood experiences. And since then, it completely changed my profession. I would love to explore – “IKIGAI”. Thanks for writing on it.

  70. Writing is surely therapeutic to me and my passion that I realized much later in life. And then I found the name Ikigai that co-relates my passion into profession.

  71. Pallavi says:

    Japanese have the best words to explain difficult concepts. Ikigai sure is that elusive mirage that we all seem to run after. That you’ve found it in writing and expressed about so beautifully is great. Such a soul satisfying and fulfilling habit this is.

  72. I can relate very much to it cause writing is my ikigai too. #tmmreads #myfriendalexa

  73. Wow loved the posteel th and I could co relate with it so well. it seems you had written my thoughts. I also feel the same as you do and my blog gives me a reason to enjoy life more. it is my personal creative space that brings a sense of joy and happiness in my routine life. throughly enjoyed post. #Surbhireads #MyfriendAlexa

  74. Resha says:

    Wonderful points. You must be very passionate about writing if its your ikigai. Beautiful concept, and more beautiful is the fact that you’ve found it in writing. Loved all the points you’ve shared. So true! #MyFriendAlexa #interceptingparchments

  75. Debdatta says:

    Books are my Ikigai. Even more so since I turned my passion into profession.
    Loved the tips, because I am trying to improve my language skills and branch out my blogging topic. I am going to try them.

  76. Honestly saying that writing is a difficult task for me , I like writing but what is the main problem is flow of words , thoughts suddenly stops. But these tips are super useful for me , thanks 🙂

  77. Liked the way you narrate this here. Writing is really a passion for me too, but it really needs time and focus.

  78. ginia says:

    writing and reading are two wonderful habits that make you grow as well as have fun. Ikigai is such a sweet concept. Well written post dear.

  79. Ikigai… Yes, Writing is what defines us. And the beauty of writing is that it cannot be forced. It comes from within. It has to be a passion burning through you compelling oneself to pour their thoughts, emotions, feelings in written form.
    Beautiful Concept

  80. I truly loved this article, writing is so simple it’s just we need to concentrate while writing, and it could be any topic like you mention that cluck a picture and write about it.

  81. akanksha Singh says:

    I loved writing since childhood ,but have recently started it seriously and so much in love with it. Good to know someone with the same passion for writing..

  82. Loved your pointers for being consistent in writing, and yes reading is an important aspect of writing.

  83. Really nice post
    I must say writing has always been therapeutic for me.
    I am glad I found your blog 🙂

  84. Writing had always been like a therapy for me as well. Really nice post
    I am glad I found your blog 🙂

  85. Your post will make everyone love reading and writing

  86. Isha says:

    Hey, I completely agree with you and I feel that writing often can have a therapeutic effect! Keep following your passion.

  87. I completely agree with you that while we write we gain lot of knowledge. every topic is new and requires lot of research. i like the way you write. keep it up.

  88. This post perfectly sums up it all. I love the word IKIGAI. Thanks for introducing me to it. Writing is my IKIGAI too. Now, I’ve got a word to describe what I feel. Writing down makes everything better. And practice makes perfect, and that’s the best way to hone our writing skills too. Your post is really informative and helpful to all bloggers, especially new ones. 🙂

  89. Very well written post with a beautiful correlation between writing and Ikigai. What I loved most about this post is the pointers you have mentioned to start writing.

  90. Hackytips says:

    Very relatable. The more we read the more we learn to write. Also writing every day helps to improve the vocabulary. I’m glad that I started blogging because every day I’m getting better at writing. Enjoyed reading your post Pragun 🙂

  91. Pratibha says:

    Good points for a beginner 🙂
    I relate much to this post and the sentiments especially. Writing has been my strength from a long time and it sure feels like one of the limbs to me.

  92. Brilliant post! I could totally relate to it! Writing is a passion for me and it gives so much meaning to my life. Loved that you mentioned how reading is so important to become a better writer – most people ignore this basic fact. Keep writing such informative posts! Thank you! #DiaryOfAnInsaneWriter #MyFriendAlexa

  93. I came to know a very beautiful word today, through your post, “Ikigai”. And it is similar to me, writing is also my ikigai!! Thanks for introducing me with my ikigai! 🙂

  94. It would not be wrong to say that in a way my ikigai for now are my kids. The focus has moved from blogging to kids. And i am just waiting for the day to come when I would blog again freely. Without taking it as a task. These days are so exhausting that even turning on the laptop seems tedious. But, someday! Things will change. #LiveItYoungReads #MyFriendAlexa2019

  95. Aadhira says:

    Your passion shows through in your words! A beautiful and comprehensive post covering how, why and when to write.. Keep up your passion.. 🙂

  96. Simple, yet powerful. Unless something becomes our ikigai we will never put our 100 percent to it. I’m trying to get there.

  97. arti says:

    I loved the post, the deeper meaning of Ikigai and your passion.. keep shining

  98. Writing simple liberates. I am glad that it has become your Ikigai. Great post. Keep going. Keep flying.

  99. Solving and creating puzzles is my Ikigai. Thanks for introducing this word.

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