There’s nothing quite like starting the day with a steaming cup of chai, especially when the weather turns chilly. For me, chai is not just a beverage—it’s a ritual, a warm hug on cold mornings, and a remedy for those rainy-season blues. While chai is loved all over the world, it holds a special place in our hearts here in India. Adding a pinch of homemade chai masala powder takes this comforting drink to the next level, filling your home with an irresistible aroma and elevating its taste to something extraordinary.
Homemade chai masala is my go-to magic ingredient. It’s packed with immunity-boosting spices like dried ginger and cardamom, which are rich in antioxidants. During the rainy season, when colds and sniffles are all too common, this masala feels like a little dose of medicine in every sip. The warming blend of spices helps improve digestion, enhances energy levels, and just makes you feel good inside. I always keep a jar of it at home because it’s so easy to make and so much better than store-bought versions.
Making it yourself lets you customize the flavors to your liking, and the freshness is unbeatable. A sprinkle of this chai masala not only enhances the taste but also brings a soothing, comforting warmth that’s perfect for cozy evenings or a pick-me-up during the day. It’s my must-have companion for cold weather, and honestly, I can’t imagine my chai without it!
Here’s a simple, aromatic, and immunity-boosting chai masala recipe in English and Hindi. I make it to last 2 months during winter so quantity is approximately 200-300gms.
Ingredients (English)
- Dried Ginger (सोंठ) – 50 grams
- Green Cardamom (इलायची) – 30 grams (approximately 30-35 pods)
- Black Pepper (काली मिर्च) – 25 grams
- Cinnamon (दालचीनी) – 20 grams (about 4-5 sticks of 2 inches each)
- Cloves (लोंग) – 10 grams (around 25 pieces)
- Black Cardamom (बड़ी इलायची) – 10 grams (around 4 pods)
- Nutmeg Powder (जायफल पाउडर) – 5 grams (½ nutmeg or pre-powdered)
- Dried Basil Leaves (तुलसी के पत्ते) – 20 grams (optional)
सामग्री (हिंदी)
- सोंठ (Dried Ginger) – 50 ग्राम
- इलायची (Green Cardamom) – 30 ग्राम (लगभग 30-35 नग)
- काली मिर्च (Black Pepper) – 25 ग्राम
- दालचीनी (Cinnamon) – 20 ग्राम (लगभग 4-5 टुकड़े, हर एक 2 इंच का)
- लोंग (Cloves) – 10 ग्राम (लगभग 25 नग)
- बड़ी इलायची (Black Cardamom) – 10 ग्राम (लगभग 4 नग)
- जायफल पाउडर (Nutmeg Powder) – 5 ग्राम (½ जायफल या पाउडर किया हुआ)
- तुलसी के पत्ते (Dried Basil Leaves) – 20 ग्राम (ऐच्छिक)
Preparation Method (English)
- Dry Roast: Dry roast all spices (except nutmeg powder and basil leaves) on low heat for 3-4 minutes to release their natural oils and aroma. This enhances the aroma. Do not burn them.
- Cool: Allow the spices to cool completely.
- Grind: Grind the roasted spices into a fine powder using a blender or spice grinder. At this stage, add nutmeg powder and dried basil leaves. Mix well.
- Store: Store the chai masala powder in an airtight jar. It stays fresh for up to 3 months.
Usage: Add ½ teaspoon of chai masala powder to your regular tea while brewing. Adjust as per taste.
- भूनें: सभी मसालों (जायफल पाउडर और तुलसी के पत्तों को छोड़कर) को धीमी आंच पर 1-2 मिनट के लिए हल्का भूनें। यह खुशबू बढ़ाने में मदद करता है। ध्यान रखें कि मसाले जल न जाएं।
- ठंडा करें: मसालों को पूरी तरह ठंडा होने दें।
- पिसें: मसालों को मिक्सर या ग्राइंडर में बारीक पाउडर बना लें। अब इसमें जायफल पाउडर और तुलसी के पत्ते मिलाकर अच्छे से मिक्स करें।
- संग्रह करें: तैयार मसाला पाउडर को एयरटाइट डिब्बे में भरकर रखें। यह ठंडी और सूखी जगह पर लंबे समय तक सुरक्षित रहेगा। यह 3 महीने तक ताजा रहता है।
इस्तेमाल: अपनी चाय बनाते समय ½ चम्मच चाई मसाला पाउडर डालें। स्वादानुसार मात्रा बढ़ाएं या घटाएं।
Enjoy the flavorful and health-boosting Chai Masala Tea!
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Jal – The Water Tatwa – Here, I express my inner emotions, just like the flowing and ever-moving water. This is a reflection of the continuous flow of my thoughts.
Prithvi—The Earth Tatwa— Earth element, I focus on environmental issues and eco-friendly lifestyle solutions. This includes ways to live in harmony with our planet. In today’s world, sustainable development has become a necessity.
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