The field in front of my house

This field is my Day and night view, I can sit here for hours enjoying the spread of hills, houses, trees, up and down slopes.
It is life for some, a lifeline for some, struggle for some and existence for many people.
Once a plain barren field is now a colony filled with hopes, ambitions, thoughts and desires.
This post is part of the Tuesday Photo Challenge on the theme ‘Field’ this week.
Linking with theskygirl and natasha for Wordless Wednesday

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5 Responses

  1. I love those terraced hills; I’ve never seen anything like that in person.

  2. Natasha says:

    Wow what a rejuvenating sight to behold, Pragun. Where is this expanse of mesmerising green?
    Thank you for linking up with us on #WW

  1. 6th August 2018

    […] A wonderful view of the field in front of their house is presented in the post in Pr@Gun! […]

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