Night Flowering Jasmine – Parijaat Tree Love

“From plants that wake when others sleep, from timid jasmine buds that keep their odor to themselves all day, but when the sunlight dies away let the delicious secret out to every breeze that roams about” – Thomas Moore



One of my favorite flowers of this season. I freeze at the sight of this tree and these small, tubular, flowers that typically have five to eight petals. They are usually white, with a hint of orange or pink at the base of the petals, which adds to their beauty.

Night-flowering jasmine

Night-flowering jasmine, also known as “Queen of the Night” or “Parijat” (scientifically called Nyctanthes arbor-tristis), is a fragrant flowering plant seen in ample in the season of autumn. October month is known for these flowers and there is even a movie of the same name featuring this beautiful harsingar/ Parijat flower. The flowers of night-flowering jasmine are renowned for their strong, sweet, and intoxicating fragrance. The scent becomes particularly pronounced in the evening and night, which is why it is named “night-flowering” jasmine.

One of the most distinctive features of night-flowering jasmine is its strong, sweet fragrance. The flowers release their scent primarily in the evening and night, which is why it’s often associated with night gardens.


 Night-flowering jasmine Night-flowering jasmine













In India, the Parijat tree is considered sacred and has cultural and religious significance. The flowers are used in various religious ceremonies and are associated with several Hindu myths and legends.

Various parts of the night-flowering jasmine plant, including its leaves and flowers, are used in traditional medicine for their potential medicinal properties. They are believed to have anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antipyretic properties.


“The fragrance of jasmine in the garden, at twilight, is like the perfume of a celestial woman.” – Kahlil Gibran



Night-flowering jasmine



The Poetess in me just got swayed away and rhymed a few lines for this beautiful creation of nature. Check my YouTube video to hear the poem.





Sustainability with Prachi

I’m sharing my #TreeLove with – the #ThursdayTreeLove blog hop, a photo feature hosted by Parul Thakur. Coupled with this, This is my Love Your Planet “Earth” post and a post to make us aware of the trees around us.
Save trees, nurture, conserve, and preserve the trees around us, and on our planet. Do you love Trees?
Do you love knowing more about trees?  Explore the trees in your neighborhood and join Tree Love.

You might also like to see my Tree Love in these trees:

To add on, read and join the Sustainability with Prachi series and listen to interviews with Eco-conscious people who are trying their bit towards conscious and sustainable living practices only on Green Tatwa Talks. There is so much to learn and explore from all of them I have interacted with, Do listen and drop in your views in the comments. Check here to learn more about all the Eco-Friendly dates.

What’s more, Along with Eco-friendly discussions, I even share Positive stories of people bringing beautiful change to this world.
For more Kisse Kahani, tune in to my YouTube channel and also check all Green Talks Episodes on my YouTube channel HERE.
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Being Eco-Friendly is not a choice, make it a habit.

Without a doubt, sustainability is easier than you think. You don’t have to jump in by changing everything, start small to make the changes more eco-friendly, sustainable and a part of your daily life.


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8 Responses

  1. I have always been a huge fan of Parijat and its blooms. I even tried to grow the plant but I wasn’t able to. Won;t give up till I get it. Thanks for joining, Pragun and hope to see you around tomorrow.

    • PraGun says:

      Same here, It is one of my favorite flowers but never been able to have the tree near me. But yes, some day for Parijat Love we will have it for sure.

  2. Archana says:

    Parijat is among my favourite trees as well!! There are some very interesting stories associated with this tree!! Your poem is beautiful!! Hope to hear more of your tree poems!! 🙂

    • PraGun says:

      Yes, this flower is an October BLiss. Oh, I’m not much aware of the stories associated with it, I would love to hear them.
      Thanks for appreciating my poem. Keep Visitng.

  3. Alana says:

    These plants can’t grow in my climate in the Northeast United States and now I’m wishing I could grow one of these. Oh well…

    • PraGun says:

      Yes, they grow primarily in South Asia and Southeast Asia.
      Wish someday a bee carries its pollens to your land.
      Thanks, Alana, for visiting my page.

  4. Divya says:

    Just looking at these pictures remind me of the smell of these flowers. They do have a strong fragrance.
    Nice Gibran quote there. 🙂

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