Friday fiction in Ferry lock

The full moon and island gave her another hope. There was so much shine & light and everything was clear to her now.
She was ready to shed the darkness and accept the new light. She was going to be free from being ferry locked in the Arabian sea for 15 days.
Finally The Sea, Sand, Sky have conspired to help her win the game of freedom when she hid in that ferry between choice of life and death. Life was welcoming her with new radiance.
Life always offers another chance and this dawn was that another chance, a new beginning.

Rochelle Wisoff-Fields-Addicted to Purple hosts the flash fiction challenge called Friday Fictioneers is a group of enthusiasts penning down a story, a poem, a prose, etc., expressing their heart about a photo prompt, every week. Thanks for this week’s beautiful photo prompt © Ted Strutz

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12 Responses

  1. Varad says:

    I’m assuming she’s a refugee fleeing from her country. Hope she gets a better life elsewhere.

  2. Dear Pragun,
    Welcome to Friday Fictioneers with your atmospheric piece. Nicely done.

  3. Why did she have to hide ? Hope the new dawn heralds a new good beginning for her.

    • pragunify says:

      Thanks for reading, well there was a lot of thought in my mind when I wrote this so nothing specific, maybe she was kidnapped…or maybe not. But yes i hope this new moon is her new chance of life.

  4. Iain Kelly says:

    Hopefully the fresh chance is just what she needs and she make the most of it.

  5. I confess, I find this baffling. What do you mean by the phrase “ferry locked”?

  6. granonine says:

    Love this. Freedom is worth waiting for–or fighting for!

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