Nature never cease to amaze me. It’s elements, It’s contents have always inspired me, motivated me, given me a lot to write and explore about. Another beautiful sight in this series is leaf on a plant. The fresh green leaf highlighted by sun. Fresh, raw, unripe, immature leaves. Various shades…
Here I will tell you the importance and happiness associated with kitchen gardens. I don’t need to tell that its natural, organic and made by your own hands. The hand-grown, home-grown vegetables are nutritious, organic, healthy, pesticide-free. Being free form any pesticide its helps detoxify our bodies from harmful things.…
I Incredible India nature’s paradise. The India that has given me my identity, nature’s paradise to be with it. I love the natural things around me and crave more to explore this beautiful country. I am a proud Indian who writes about panch tattvas of life. The word ‘panch…
Hydro-power or water power The energy of falling water, rain, or melting ice or fast running water is a natural resource we can utilize for power. and generating electricity. How can a nature lover forget or not discuss this natural power resource? Since ancient times, hydro-power from many kinds of…
G is for Green G is for garden Why garden? because I feel that’s the closest one is to nature in his or her surroundings. Creating a garden to spending time there, talking to plants, nurturing them is a very stress releasing and relaxing exercise. There is…
Fire Also called Agni and is associated to Sun. Yet again I’m back to Panch Tatwa’s of nature. Fire is another important element, it represents growth, movement. It is the source of energy and light. It is hot in nature and even regulates the temperature of our body. Food…
In continuation of Panch Tatwa’s, I will be writing on this very important element of Earth, Our very own Mother Earth. The one and only. The mother of all, Layer by layer by layer has it formed, The natures best gift for humans, The only planet with water for survival,…
Desert always brings the poet in me out…. Desert Oh Desert Who are you? I’m calm yet complex, I’m peaceful and quiet, I can see stars that shine very bright. I may be dangerous yet is distinctive, I may be barren but with a Beauty, I am calm even with…
I never get bored of natural resources, they inspire me, motivate me, help me dream and be creative. Clouds are one such beautiful feature that makes me child once again. Be the child in you again and find the shape in the cloud above you. found an interesting one isn’t…
This is nature’s necklace and how can one miss it when talking about nature’s gift in this nature theme writing. Since I’m focussing on natural things that inspire me in this theme, Beach is one of my all-time favorites. My best place in this world is any silent serene beach.…
Hello all A to Z participants. So here I’m with my very first post to participate in this online challenge. Since I have decided to write about Panchtatwa’s and other natural elements which have always been an inspiration and motivation for me to write. I believe in natural elements, natural…
A must watch, a should watch, Do watch. “Breathe” is a very touching story which you live in each series. pic courtesy – amazon I am touched by the plot, and the general trivia was and added interest to read. A father’s struggle to save his dying son. Madhavan rocks…
The Beautiful Sun-rays from north part of Incredible India. Wordless yet I speak volumes. The rising sun,the Valleys in front, The mountain so sturdy, the river so soft, The sun peeps out of clouds, Tells us it’s yet another day to feel proud. The sky so clear, Welcomes spring so…
So it’s a time of the year when a blogger on the blogosphere community is again churning his/her mind for this challenge. A to Z challenge was a new thing for me a few months ago when I stepped on this blog challenges world. Earlier I posted articles on various…