Author interview – Surbhi Prapanna of Creative Kids

Welcome to the Author Interview series hosted by Pragun and Suhasini. The Author duo are conducting the Author interview series for the Ebooks launched through Blogchatter Ebook program.

  • 1st interview – “Abhjit ray” author of “Desert Plant”
  • 2nd interview – “Meena Chatty” author of “Starlit Sky”
  • 3rd interview – “Pratibha” author of “Eco Babycare & Green Parenting”
  • 4th interview – “Varsha” author of “Konkan Diaries”
  • 5th interview – “Geethica” author of “Thoughts and Conversations”
  • 6th interview – “Sabha Ladha” author of ” “With Love, Yours Hatefully”
  • 7th interview – “Darshana Sarma” of “Put your best foot forward”
  • 8th interview – Anand Narayanaswamy of “Flowered Bytes”
  • 9th interview – Pooja Priyamvada of Metal Health”

The Next in the series is Author Surbhi Prapanna of Creative Kids. He has written some very nice short stories on different emotions and themes. Let’s find out what Anand has to say about his book – ” Flowered Bytes”

Us: What inspired you to start blogging?

Surbhi: My girls are my biggest inspiration to start my blogging journey. I had started my blog 4 years ago just as a hobby.  initially, it was only about sharing my parenting journey with other moms. later on, I had found my personal creative space with this amazing journey.

Us: Can you please describe your blogging journey so far? And who are your biggest supporters?A

Surbhi: It was 4 years ago when I moved from India to the USA, I had gotten a chance to read and explore some amazing parenting blogs while exploring them, I had got the idea to start my own blog. my brother has helped me in initial set up. and I had started writing and sharing my personal experiences through my blog. later one, I had understand the power of this digital medium and starting writing for other prestigious health and parenting  platforms. I had written as a regular contributing  writer and as a health expert for different websites and among them,,,,, and elephant journal are so close to my heart.

I had received so much love, respect, and appreciation from readers for my work. in the year, 2018 I had moved my blog to the self-hosted platform and launched a new blog “”. this was a kind of turning point in my blogging journey. after this step, I had participated in various blogging contests, challenges, and join some amazing blogging communities. it has been really an amazing journey of learning something new every day, and now, I am so happy that I had reached another milestone and published my first e book, “Creative kids”.

Us: Why you did register for the A2Z challenge?

Surbhi: Blogchatter had been an integral part of my blogging journey since beginning. I had made good blogging friends and learnt a lot with the support of this amazing community. I had participated in almost all blogging campaigns hosted by them. last year,  I had learnt about A2Z challenge and participated too, but due to some family reasons I had quit challenge. it was not a good this year, I had planned everything ahead, register for it and complete the challenge successfully. indeed, it was a great learning experience and I had a great time while writing and reading for this challenge.

Us: How it feels like to be called as “Author”

Surbhi: Ohh,  it is the feeling that I can not describe in the words. it is like a dream come true. first completing the A2Z challenge, and then publish my first e book and being an author..all and all it has been an amazing journey. and I am enjoying every bit of it.

Us: What is the key learning for you from this Blogger to Author journey?

Surbhi: I had learnt a lot from this blogger to author journey. this journey has not only given me a creative satisfaction but I had learnt so many technical aspect of blogging and writing as well. it is a kind of life time experience that I will cherish my whole life.

Us: Do you want to share any interesting stuff on this book which has not been captured there?

Surbhi: The basic concept of my book is help parents raising creative kids. I had done all these activities with my girls to keep them creatively engaged. I am so happy with the fact that my girls had contributed amazingly in my author journey. and they both are the co-author of this book, at the age of 10 and 7. I am a proud mom and feeling really emotional while sharing this fact with you all. 

Us: Do you want to share any future plans for your blog and books with us?

Surbhi: Yes, I have too many plans and I am so excited to execute all these in upcoming year. last year, we had started our own Youtube channel and received  great response for our “Kids activity series”. and this year, after publishing my first e book, I am in the process to plan for next book and next video series for Youtube. I am trying to plan everything in advance to get the desired results and hoping we ( me and  my girls) received same response as we had received in past. 

Us: How is your overall feeling on Blogchatter’s Carnival and what are your recommendations on the same for other bloggers

Surbhi: I had a great experience with Blogchatter’s e book carnival. of course, it requires a consistent hard work and firm determination for successful participation . but the end result is really amazing ..I will highly recommended to this all bloggers. plan ahead and show your talent to the world. this platform provides you an amazing opportunity to prove yourself. I am already excited to participate in next year’s Blogchatter e book carnival and planning so many things in advance to done this successfully. 

Surbhi Prapanna

So, Friends, this is the short interview of our blogger Friend Surbhi. You can read her much-acclaimed book – “Creative Kids” by clicking here.

My co-host Suhasini has done a candid review of the book “Creative Kids” and you can find her review here.

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2 Responses

  1. Your are so much focused in your work and doing a great job.

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