“N” that came in our life last decade
So let’s check out what’s in store in a word beginning from “N” Noob or newb this is one of the many new words of the past decade that we can thank the internet for. You’ll often see the word noob, newb or newbie on forums and comments sections online…
“M” that came in our life last decade
Matcha Introduced: June 2016 Oxford dictionary definition: Powdered green tea leaves, dissolved in hot water to make tea or used as a flavoring. suddenly the mood became trending terms in our lives.. so hows ur mood today? Mood Use mood in lieu of saying “same.” Generally, it describes…
“L” that came in our life last decade
To continue with my decade series let’s check the Letter “L” today LOL Introduced: March 2011 Oxford dictionary definition: Used to draw attention to a joke or amusing statement, or to express amusement. LB Instagrammers know that LB stands for “like back,” while FB similarly means “follow back.” If you start…
“K” that came in our life last decade
So here we reach the 11th letter of the series with the letter K So let’s learn the new words Kombucha Introduced: June 2013 Oxford dictionary definition: A beverage produced by fermenting sweet tea with a culture of yeast and bacteria. Kk Legend has it kk originated in online gaming forums…
“J” that came in our life last decade
So let’s check out the words with J today- Jeggings Introduced: June 2015 Oxford dictionary definition: Tight-fitting stretch trousers for women, styled to resemble a pair of denim jeans. JOMO We’ve all experienced FOMO, or the “fear of missing out,” but JOMO describes the opposite. If you’re more than content…
The letter I and what it bought with it
So just look around guys do you find the I in your house? Yes, it’s Avery very common I that became part of your life last decade. IPAD(2010) The great Steve jobs had dreamt of it in 1983, he had a vision when he said that, “what we want…
The letter H and what it bought with it
So are you “Hangry” today. Hahaha, are you surprised by the word? Even was me as I was haungry and angry too so came into being this “HANGRY” Definition: bad-tempered or irritable as a result of hunger. Hoverboard Introduced: September 2015 Oxford dictionary definition: (Chiefly in science fiction) a means of…