Who is Ripu Daman Bevli and Why is He the Face of Plogging in India?

The term “Plogman of India” refers to Ripu Daman Bevli, who is widely recognized for his efforts to clean up litter and promote environmental awareness across the country. He started the plogging movement in India, which involves jogging while picking up litter.

Here’s a bit more about him and his work:

  • Plogging is a combination of “jogging” and the Swedish word “plocka upp,” meaning “to pick up.” It began in Sweden and was brought to India by Ripu Daman Bevli.
  • Ripu Daman started organizing plogging drives in India around 2017 to address the growing problem of plastic pollution.
  • In 2019, he launched the Run to Make India Litter Free campaign, traveling across multiple cities to raise awareness about waste management and pollution.
  • He has led several plogging initiatives in partnership with local communities, schools, corporates, and government agencies.
  • His work has gained widespread recognition, and he is often called the Plogman of India due to his tireless efforts to keep cities clean.
Image courtesy – higher education plus

Ripu Daman Bevli, also known as the Plogman of India, is a pioneer of the plogging movement in the country. Plogging is a combination of jogging and picking up litter, blending fitness with environmental activism. Ripu Daman has dedicated himself to raising awareness about plastic pollution and promoting a cleaner, healthier environment through his initiatives.

pic courtesy – AIR twitter

Here are some key aspects of his work and initiatives:

1. Plogging Movement in India

  • Ploggers of India: Ripu Daman founded this initiative to promote plogging as a nationwide movement. It has grown into a large community of people who combine fitness with environmental care by picking up litter while jogging or walking.
  • He started plogging in 2017 and soon organized India’s first large-scale plogging drive, which rapidly spread across various cities.

2. Run to Make India Litter Free

  • In 2019, Ripu Daman launched the Run to Make India Litter Free campaign, during which he traveled across the country to organize plogging drives in different cities and states.
  • Over the course of this campaign, he covered thousands of kilometers and engaged with thousands of volunteers, encouraging people to take responsibility for the cleanliness of their surroundings.

3. FIT India Plogging Run

Ripu Daman collaborated with the Fit India Movement, a government initiative, to organize the Fit India Plogging Run, which was launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi in 2019. This event brought together fitness enthusiasts and environmentalists to run and pick up litter in a coordinated effort across the nation.

4. Awareness and Advocacy

  • Ripu Daman’s approach to tackling litter and pollution goes beyond just cleaning streets and beaches. He actively engages with schools, universities, corporates, and local communities to create awareness about waste management, plastic pollution, and the importance of reducing single-use plastic.
  • His initiatives include workshops, seminars, and interactive sessions that teach the importance of living sustainably and reducing personal waste footprints.

5. Partnership with Corporates and Government

  • Ripu Daman has partnered with various corporate organizations to bring plogging drives to workplaces and encourage employees to take part in clean-up efforts.
  • His work also includes collaborating with government bodies on waste management policies and advocating for stricter regulations on plastic use and disposal.

6. World Record Initiatives

  • Ripu Daman and his team have set world records for organizing some of the largest plogging events, where thousands of people gather to clean up vast areas while exercising. His vision is to make India the cleanest and most active nation in the world.

7. Zero Plastic Movement

  • A major part of Ripu Daman’s mission is to eliminate single-use plastics. His efforts include encouraging people to avoid plastic packaging and use reusable alternatives.
  • He has been vocal about holding companies accountable for producing excessive plastic waste and promoting legislation that reduces plastic consumption at the source.

8. Digital Awareness Campaigns

  • Ripu Daman uses social media and digital platforms extensively to spread the message of plogging and environmental responsibility. Through hashtags like #LitterFreeIndia and #PlogForChange, he has created a broad online movement that encourages people to take up plogging and share their efforts.

9. Sustainable Tourism Initiatives

  • In some areas, Ripu has focused on plogging as a part of sustainable tourism. By organizing plogging drives in tourist-heavy locations, he brings attention to the environmental impact of tourism and works to keep these areas clean and beautiful.

10. Community Building and Volunteerism

  • The success of Ripu’s plogging initiatives lies in his ability to engage with diverse communities and inspire volunteerism. He believes that collective action is essential to bring about lasting environmental change, and his initiatives often encourage participants to continue their efforts long after the event is over.

In summary, Ripu Daman Bevli’s work as the Plogman of India has created a movement that combines fitness and environmentalism, addressing the urgent issue of plastic pollution. His initiatives not only clean up public spaces but also inspire people across India to take responsibility for their environment. We understand how Ripu Daman Bevli changed perceptions of waste management in India.

This is part of my Positive Humans series I have been writing about people who are an inspiration, and motivation with their attitude of gratitude and ever-helping nature. To meet such motivational humans click and read here.

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