Small steps towards healthy you

Many struggled to stay fit during the lockdown as stress also played its part. Not going outside for walks or gym saddened many souls. But slowly we realized it’s not that difficult. Sharing a fun poem that showcases how we can still exercise a bit and stay fit even if we are inside our home. It’s not difficult if we look for solutions instead of problems.


The virus made us vigilant,

The air gave us alert signs,

And soon the human became,

more conscious and more concerned.

We looked at ways to boost health,

Soon realized that’s our only wealth.

The lifestyle underwent a change

and we accepted it one range

We thought about our self

We thought of little help


Loads of water

that too little hotter

drink and even gargle.

Add ginger and garlic,

to save us from getting sick.

Deep breathing and meditation,

we tried to calm frustration.


The gym came inside the home,

as we were not allowed to roam.

stairs for step training,

chair for squatting,

bicycle crunch in the living room,

kneel step walk with a broom,

some extended planks,

few steps to reduce the flank,

Some jumps and some pumps

Some punches and some crunches.

Be a kid and jump around,

Just walk and calm down.

Dance is one such easy simple way.

Or else if you know how to ballet…

Its all about fitness

about ways to reduce stress.

Maintaining a Mindful life

just look, options are rife.

A little time for yoga

time to get up from your sofa

Few minutes for self

even when standing beside that bookshelf

It’s just when you decide

and get going from your bedside.

One fruit and vegetable a day

A handful of nuts also gets the way.

Just small steps towards a healthy you

and a happy mindful, I grew.


At home and staying fit doesn’t require stepping out every time, as our home is also a wonderful gym. We just need to make use of things and we surely learned this all in the lockdown when everything was closed.

Some basic exercises

  • Walk and Talk when on the phone
  • Brisk walk
  • Touching toes from left & right while standing.
  • Lie on your back & raise to touch your knees/ raise your legs to the ceiling.
  • Bend & Touch palms on the floor
  • Touch toes with hand and knees with head
  • Lie on the left side, and raise right leg to repeat the same with the right side and left leg.
  • Stretch arms, legs extended, shoulders back, raise high.


At the same time, “I am taking my blog to the next level with Blogchatter’s My Friend Alexa”.

However, these are my random musing, my poetry love under the flowing Water category. In addition, to read more of my poems click here.

Try and live in harmony with nature for a better and healthier tomorrow.

Read my poem of the 2020 Alexa season on Save Ozone, Save Earth in this poetic series.

16 responses to “Small steps towards healthy you”

  1. Chinmayee Gayatree sahu avatar
  2. PraGun avatar
  3. Alpana Deo avatar
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  4. Surbhi Prapanna avatar
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  5. Sakshi Varma avatar
  6. Indiacafe24 avatar
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  7. Diya avatar
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  8. Urvi Kunal Savla avatar
    Urvi Kunal Savla
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  9. Yogita Joshi avatar
  10. Rupsbooklove avatar
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