
  • Rang bhari Ekadashi

    Today is rang bhari Ekadashi This day falls between mahashivratri and Holi festival. It is celebrated in north and specially in banaras as its believed that Lord shiva and parvati came to Kashi after getting married for the first time. Kashi as it is is considered there favorite city. In…

  • Nothing is permanent

    This too shall pass, so true. Life gives us laughs and pains, Happiness and sorrows and they all come with an expiry date is what I will say. They come, take there lead and then next chapter has to be taken on. This too shall pass is a Persian/ Hebrew…

  • Garden potpourri

    A twig of the grass A drop of the rain A bloom of the flower A ray of the sun A hope of life A leaf on the tree Garden is potpourri of dreams With salubrious effect just by merely seeing it. Garden is a journey, even when hands get…

  • A gift for me

    A gift for me!!!! Oh really!!!! Who am I…. I’m a Wandering soul, Crazy girl, Restless gal, always on the go, on the toes. I am always confused I am restive I am multi-tasked and have multifarious views. So what will I gift myself. May be Calmness! A little more…

  • WOTY2018

    Happy sunrise to each day Happiness in every way. Happy 2018 Being a traditional soul I take this 1st Jan as English new year… gudi padva, smvat new year has yet to come. But i cant avoid the magic that flows in the air during the change of calendar year,…

  • Whole Life Age

    WOW: What One Age Will You Pick For The Rest Of Your Life And Why? It’s like a wish asked by the genie. All ages had its wonders but I love the twenty forever. Give me a chance and will re-live my twenty’s again till death. Its the beginning of…

  • Happy Children's Day

    In this world, we learn a lot as a child only, so a child is a place where we can impart best of our knowledge and values. No one is perfect but all we can do is do good, be good, share well. What message I want to leave for…

  • Pearls

    Pearls are my favorites, and I’m sure it’s among many of you. So on this date 11-11, I plan to write about them only. Diamonds may be girls best friend but pearls nowhere are left and surely deserve to come closer. So here’s some pearl power for you: Natural pearls…

  • Helping hand

    Helping hand

    In the first place, we are all humans and we have a lot to be grateful for. I am sharing about someone with helping hands, who is a human working towards positivity in this world, for the betterment of this society. Positive vibes can be felt from a distance and…

  • Heart Prints

    The Heart… The heart that left its footprints or rather say heart prints on me, the heart that left inspiration and hopes on me. Experiences that shaped and defined me. Who and what am I? Whom I met and What choices I made? My Life was a real teacher in…

  • Friday Foto fiction – September

    The shares of his company were going great and touching year high again. He has left many emotions, many moments, many celebrations behind to reach this page of Business. He was the most successful, but what lies hidden in these pages is the news on page 3 too.  Was he…

  • What this Song says

    So which song am I listening to today…Hello music…. shake shake….and here it is….This is one of my favorites… A song from Marathi movie “natsamrat” A famous movie based on an Old classic novel about overcoming hurdles in life. This song ” khel mandala” meaning the game is set. The…

  • Monster

    Monster – a frightening imaginary creature…. well then for sure my lil ones are no less than monsters. There is one nice monster that is non-living in my house, which is lying here or there somewhere, comes between my legs that I actually fall. It goes vroom vroom vroom. real…

  • Making a choice

    What will you choose comfort or courage? Can I or Can I not? Will I be able to do or Will I not? Should I say or should I not?   Leave your comfort zone to take that leap, Take one step further to feel the wind. Play big, Try…