Do you know What inspires me to write? How do I stay motivated? Well, I’m influenced by this beautiful nature, the panchtatwas, the natural elements, that window in my room showcasing beautiful nature to me which gives me a reason to write. Yes, I’m in love with nature today and…
I am taking part in The Write Tribe Problogger October 2017 Blogging Challenge #2 – Friday, Oct. 6 – PROMPT = Nostalgic The Box made me Nostalgic because it was a box full of my, our life. It was a feeling of pleasure and also slight sadness when we think about…
Sorry you are leaving—- I can say this to September this year specially for many reasons. Yes September 2017 gave me this sorry feeling when my mother had to leave her job of several years and Location too where she had spent years working and struggling together and i was…
Coffee/ “kauphi”/ Kick-start…. (this is how I love to spell it)… Nothing can beat the aroma of freshly beaten home made coffee. Coffee given me ideas and this is how i get topic to blog. Aromas of Coffee bean and tea leaf are intoxicating. And i love the…
#FaveFiveFriday is an initiative by Buzz Magazine I love books and penning down favorite lines comes naturally to it. Some times you read such beautiful lines that one can not move ahead ignoring them. SO underline them or note them down is a good habit. This topic stole my heart…
I love my blog and I love to explore myself through it. It makes me happy, It talks to me, it listens, it makes me creative. I recently came to know of Alexa rank. Well what is it was the first question and it gave me kick to work on…
Hello bloggers! It’s the first Wednesday of the month and we know what that means it’s time for another meeting of the Insecure Writers Support Group – #IWSG. I recently discovered The Insecure Writer’s Support Group. Their mission is to recognize the dark moments of the writing process and the writer’s…
Blue skies Blue sea The beautiful ship in the midst of vastness
#tangy picks by blogadda digital-woman #tangy picks @ inspirational-posts-and-stories-to-read-on-a-busy-weekday. All the ladies out there, this one is for you- Read “Digital women” by @impragun featured in #TangyPicks — BlogAdda (@blogadda) September 28, 2016
गणपती बाप्पा मोरया !!!!! Ganpati bappa morya Ganesha utsav or vinayak chaturthi is celebrated all over india, specially central India. For more info click on – Ganpati sthapna Sharing here Beautiful Ganesh sthapna decor These are the reference images of decorations done by my friends and family… Decor…
Nature is canvas, random are thoughts. Straight & honest is the soul. It’s all an art. -PraGun “Namaskar” 🙏🏼 Welcome to Pragun Tatwa – An Indian blogzine by an Indian og Mommy blogger. We women adorn many hats being in the role of a female. Creating endless roles. I started…