Easy Ways to help heal the earth and celebrate Earth day at home
Earth Day April 22 Why celebrate? We celebrate Earth Day to continue promoting environmental awareness and to remind us that we can protect the earth in our everyday lives as well. Stay with me to find ways to celebrate Earth day at home, and helps her heal a bit! Our planet is an…
Mother – Oh! she is the family organizer
Being a mother has absolutely changed my life. There are two more people walking the Earth because of me. They are my contribution to society, and one day they will grow up to be influential people. Who will hopefully do amazing things, with families of their own? Motherhood is in…
Mother is a nurturer, nurse, negotiator. She is One Navrasa Mom
One of the most meaningful roles that a mother plays is the role of nurturer. This word is sometimes taken synonymously with the word “mother”. When a mother nurtures her children well, love and goodness are awakened in the children’s hearts. Because of our mothers’ love, we learn to love,…
Mother – She wears multiple hats, is a Multitasker, and a Magic maker too
M for mother, do I say more. Did I not mention the main role which I play the day I become mother itself. Yes, that is of being a mother and that’s it. This one job, one role is a lifetime of work, it’s a 24*7*365 days work culture, with…
Mothers – our life coach and lifeguard whom we can rely on forever
Mothers teach us to have confidence and belief in ourselves. Mothers knew from experience how important for people to believe in themselves in order for children to be whole, strong, and grow with a healthy estimation of themselves. A mother’s greatest masterpiece is her children. Mothers are life coaches and lifeguards too, they are someone we always…
Mothers are the best secret keeper and kiss expert for their kids.
In the journey of Mom’s be everything today we reach the letter “K”. Mothers are our first keeper of secrets, maybe till we find that secret friend for life. Also, moms are the best kiss expert. As soon as we hold our babies for the first time, the first thing…
Mothers are best jugglers and a judge too.
A mother plays multiple roles in a child’s development, as she is a teacher in every aspect of a child’s developmental growth – social-emotional, physical, cognitive, and independence. I feel Mothers are the best jugglers, they know multitasking and management too. Today on the day of Letter “J” let’s find out the roles moms play in…
Mother is an investigator and even an imagination engineer too.
As soon as we are in the role of a mother, we pick up so many roles we have never ever imagined. One such role is the mother being an investigator and even an imagination engineer too. Today is Alphabet I in my series Mom’s Be Everything. Beyond imagination, we…