In the journey of Mom’s be everything today we reach the letter “K”. Mothers are our first keeper of secrets, maybe till we find that secret friend for life. Also, moms are the best kiss expert. As soon as we hold our babies for the first time, the first thing is we cuddle and kiss them isn’t it? Mother’s kiss and touch are what give warmth to the child for life.
The life of a modern woman, whether she is working or single, a mother or a wife, is multi-faceted. In addition to the above, there are several other tiny responsibilities that women tend to take on, which are often overlooked and not accounted for. For instance, doubling up as an electrician in case a bulb goes kaput or sending the car in for maintenance. Additionally, considering the fact that managing homes and children is a full-time gig without any paid holidays, overtime compensation, or day-offs to show for, this feat seems even more remarkable.
She knows your heart better than anyone.
K – Keeper of Secrets
Shh, I won’t tell… Though a mother-daughter relationship can be confusing at times, it is an unbreakable bond with empathy, loyalty, caring, and unconditional love. While my mother was the last person I’d go to for boyfriend advice, but she has kept secrets for life. Don’t we feel good when our kids confide in us? Mom knows how to protect her children. She won’t gossip or share it and it’s well kept forever. Mothers are our first keeper of secrets and first protector too.
The world is not as forgiving as our mothers or we as mothers are. Not many people will take or accept your flaws but a mother will. She might judge but in the long run mother is non-judgemental. She has ample unconditional love which lies deep in the heart of a mother. Many a time we may have our differences too, but haven’t we confided in her in our growing years always.
Most people in life might not be reliable, be it when we have aced failures, failed relationships, taxing friendships, and unreasonable bosses. In all these, moms are the most reliable keepers, we just need to believe in them.
From our crushes to our most treasured secrets, our moms know everything. Still, they manage to keep them as a secret from our siblings, our father, and the rest of the world. I may sound secretive but tell me truly haven’t you experienced it yourself. She won’t tell any of your other friends your secrets.
Kiss and Hugs Expert
Ahh, do I say anything more to this? The moment we hold our kids in our hands and touch them we become an expert in kissing. Touching and kissing our own flesh and blood, bonds us with our kids. It’s the special warmth we share. All the moms will surely agree that the moment they laid eyes on their precious little gift, they embraced them. They welcomed them with a cuddle and a kiss. It’s the natural response towards a loved one. It’s safe to say that a baby’s soft, chubby cheeks are tempting to look at from a distance! as much as this seems to annoy them, it is actually scientifically proven that kissing a baby is more important than most think.
This is the letter “K” in the journey of motherhood where we explore Mom’s roles in their children’s lives. Mom’s are everything for her kids, you name it and we play that role. Do read my earlier letters to enjoy the AtoZ of motherhood roles. This post is written as a part of the A2Z challenge, organized by Blogchatter. You will surely love to read how Mothers are best jugglers and a judge too.
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